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时间:2018-07-31 10:18:22   作者:鼎盛文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:12710   评论:0


清乾隆一朝六十年,是清代封建社会发展的鼎盛时期,瓷器生产取得了空前的繁荣,青花瓷也达到了登峰造极的程度。此时,景德镇御窑厂规模庞大,在督陶官的管理下,每年烧造各种瓷器都在数十万以上,烧出的瓷器无论是工艺技巧还是装饰艺术都已达到了炉火纯青的地步.荷花纹青花梅瓶高42厘米,小口外侈,圆唇短颈,肩部丰满,腹部渐收,胫部微向外撇,圈足。底部书“大清乾隆年制”六字款。瓶外壁主题纹饰为荷花纹。图案素雅与艳丽和谐统一 . 目前青花瓷器投资市场火热,行情大涨,藏品为不可多得的收藏重器、极为罕见、有巨大的投资价值、及收藏价值、如需收藏购买、此藏品请与我们客服联系、我们将竭诚为您服务。 
In the first sixty years of the Qing Dynasty the Qing Dynasty was the flourishing period of the development of the feudal society in the Qing Dynasty. The production of porcelain made unprecedented prosperity and the blue and white porcelain had reached its peak. At this time the Jingdezhen imperial kiln factory was large in scale. Under the administration of the 
governor hundreds of thousands of porcelain were burned every year. The porcelain burnt out has reached the level of pure art and decoration art.
The lotus pattern plum vase is 42 cm high small mouth extravagant round lip short neck shoulder plump abdomen gradually harvested tibia slightly out circle foot. The bottom book "the Qing Dynasty Qianlong year system" six words. The motif of the outer wall of the bottle is lotus pattern. The design is elegant and beautiful and harmonious.At present the investment market of blue and blue porcelain is hot the market is soaring the collection is a rare collection extremely rare huge investment value and collection value such as collection and purchase this collection please contact with our customer service we will serve you wholeheartedly.

标签:荷花  乾隆  花纹  大清  


