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时间:2018-05-06 21:42:01   作者:杜军龙   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:82113   评论:0
由于咸丰重宝当前钱币流传下来的不多,存世的十分稀少,所以该钱币是十分珍贵.咸丰重宝当十钱虽然是咸丰大钱中计值较低的品种。但是由于铸造时间早,流通区域广,所以也是自古以来古泉爱好者最关心并致力于收藏和欣赏的计值钱币。在诸多咸丰大钱之中,应当推举咸丰重宝当十钱币为最。铸期最长、数量最大、版式最多、流通最广,无一不在咸丰大钱中占据首位。但是由于咸丰元宝当前钱币流传下来的不多,存世的十分稀少,所以该钱币是十分珍贵.          此钱币由杜先生 真心出手  联系13995046265 
Due to xianfeng wing has been passed down from the current coin is not much, only very few and far between, so the money is very precious. Xianfeng heavy treasure when the xianfeng, although it is a lot of money into ten money value lower varieties. However, due to the time of casting early, distribution area is wide, so it is also the most concern since the ancient times the search lovers and dedicated to the collection and appreciation of a coin. Among many had a lot of money, should put xianfeng heavy treasure when ten COINS for the most. Casting period the longest, largest number, format, the most widely circulation, not occupy the first had a lot of money. But because of xianfeng wing has been passed down from the current coin is not much, only very few and far between, so the money is very precious. 
此咸丰元宝当十钱币,(规格为:直径3.6毫米。 ),咸丰重宝的铸造材料主要是黄铜,也曾出现过铁钱等其它材质的钱币。另外还有一种用金、银、玳瑁、白铜等材料精制的宫廷钱币,形制较大,钱体也较厚,当属皇家喜庆用钱,这种钱币铸量非常少,质量极佳,价格远非黄铜、铁制钱能够所比。整体品相完好,形制规整,为不可多得的收藏佳品,具有巨大的收藏价值及投资价值。
Xianfeng, the wing when ten COINS, (specifications for: 3.6 mm in diameter.), xianfeng heavy treasure cast material is mainly brass, iron money and other material which has been the coin. There is also a kind of gold, silver, hawksbill, cupronickel material such as the court of refined coin, shape is bigger, money also thicker body, when the royal festival with money, this is a less amount of COINS casting, quality excellent, the price is far from brass, iron than money to be able to. Overall appearance in good condition, shape neat for rare collection, has a huge collection value and investment value.      13995046265

上一篇:明万历年 西王赏功


