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时间:2018-05-15 10:10:13   作者:13995046265   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:31136   评论:0
内容摘要: 联系:18152557782 金属流通货币是国家法定货币中重要而不可分割的组成部分,也是一个国家发达与文明的标志和象征,它不仅充当着国计民生在经济活动中不可缺少的价值尺度和交换手段,同时,还具有一定的艺术性和收藏价值。 辅币是本位主币的对称,亦是“圆”以下,“角、分......
   联系:18152557782              金属流通货币是国家法定货币中重要而不可分割的组成部分,也是一个国家发达与文明的标志和象征,它不仅充当着国计民生在经济活动中不可缺少的价值尺度和交换手段,同时,还具有一定的艺术性和收藏价值。
在此期间各年铸行的镍辅币中,币的正面是孙中山先生的侧面像,背面则为古布的图案。其共同特点是:首先币形的设计精美而字体清秀,正背两面的沿边均镌雕有代表中国传统古老而寓意吉祥的回形纹;其次币制统一、种类齐全、是民国机制币中是最为精美的一种;另外因为镍是一种比较贵重的金属,发行孙像古布镍币,就是用于替换当时还在流通的银元、银豪。其比值与银币均等,可同等兑换一定数量的铜币或其它货币;再就是该时期发行的镍币在民国钱币中是成套体系而最为完整的。民国二十五年(1936年)1月11日国民政府公布《辅币条例》,第—条规定了辅币之铸造专属于中央造币厂。第二条规定了镍辅币成色为纯镍。以孙中山先生侧像所铸之镍币,从1936年开铸到1943年停铸,国内外造币厂共计铸造了20余种面值字体书写不同,而版式及其材质亦有差异的流通辅币。币值上包括伍分、拾分、十分、廿分等,其中民国十分孙像镍辅币系民国二十九年,由重庆造币厂铸造。民国三十年,继续批量生产,民国三十一年生产量逐步减少,直至停产。文中此枚孙像镍辅币便系民国三十年所产,其正面为孙中山先生侧面像和民国纪年,背面为布币图及面值。图案设计精美字体清秀,正面图案沿用的是船洋的孙中山先生侧面像,背面为中国传统的古布币图案,正背两面沿边雕回形纹(中国传统古老图案寓意吉祥),此币面紧密平滑,工艺精良工整且版式恒定,在所有镍币中,其文字、纹饰、乃至人物头像的眉毛、眼皮、胡子等细微部,都刻划得非常精细而十分清晰。包浆自然熟旧,有流通的痕迹。 联系  18152557782中华民国三十年十分币中华民国三十年十分币                                               The metal currency is the national currency in an integral part is also a national development and civilization sign and symbol it not only serves as an indispensable measure of value beneficial to the people's livelihood in economic activities and the means of exchange at the same time also has a certain artistic and collectible value.
Coins are symmetrical standard coins is also a "circle" "angle" as the unit of small denomination currency. Mainly to help large denomination currency or in daily trading for the change of. Because the actual value contained below the nominal value and by the state by decree provisions within certain limits and can exchange rates free this is the token of the finite element method of compensation. Its characteristics are: low surface value frequent circulation and quick wear. At present copper nickel aluminum or the cheaper alloy casting are adopted in the low value coins which are adopted in some countries. But most of them are made of nickel plated steel paper corner and banknote. Our mechanism and a large number of coins produced for use is in the last century at the beginning of 30s. In April 6 1933 the government of the Republic of China announced the "two waste Gaiyuan" to November 4 1935 the KMT government announced a currency reform issued by the central bank to the national credit guarantee legal tender to replace the silver dollar. And gradually prohibit the circulation of silver the control of the issue of currency and domestic silver and other hard currency concentrated and controlled in the hands of the government. The same year also launched a new version of the nickel instead of silver Yin Hao and make the price of precious metals from. The move to maintain stability during the Anti Japanese War Chinese fiscal and gradually unified currency is undoubtedly a kind of irreplaceable financial system reform and has a certain role in progress.
Nickel coins during the casting line the positive side is the currency of Mr. Sun Zhongshan like back for pattern fabric. Their common characteristics are: firstly coin design fine and handsome font of both sides of the border were engraved carved with ancient and traditional Chinese represent auspicious fret; secondly a unified currency range is the mechanism of currency is one of the most beautiful; also because nickel is a relatively expensive the sun like Antique Nickel metal issue is used to replace the circulation of silver and silver was still a luxury. The ratio of silver and equal equal exchange a certain amount of coins or other currencies; then the period in the Republic of China issued coins in nickel is a complete system and the most complete. In twenty-five years (1936) in January 11th the national government promulgated "Regulations" article - coins the provisions of the casting of coins belonging to the central mint. Second the provisions of the purity of pure nickel nickel coins. Mr. Sun Zhongshan to side as cast nickel from 1936 to 1943 to stop casting casting at home and abroad the mint total casting more than 20 kinds of value and different font format and there are also differences in the material circulation of coins. The value includes five ten or twenty ten points which is the classification sun Xiangnie coins department in twenty-nine years cast by the Chongqing mint. In the thirty years of the Republic of China mass production continued and the production in the thirty-one years of the Republic of China was gradually reduced until the production was discontinued. In this paper the gold coins will Xiangnie sun produced in thirty years the front side like Mr. Sun Zhongshan and Republican Calendar back to the figure and the nominal value of coins. Pattern design exquisite font handsome positive pattern is used in ship ocean side like Mr. Sun Zhongshan on the back of Chinese traditional ancient cloth pattern of both sides of the border carved to form grain (Chinese traditional auspicious pattern) this coin closely smooth exquisite and neat layout is constant in all the nickel. Text decoration and portraits of the eyelids eyebrows beard and subtle are very fine and very clear. The old have cooked natural patina traces of circulation.金属の通貨は国家法定通貨に重要で、不可分の構成部分で、1つの国家の発達と文明のシンボルマークとなっているだけでなく、その国の経済と人民の生活での経済活動の中で不可欠な価値基準と交換する手段として、また、一定の芸術性と価値を収集。



