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时间:2018-07-03 11:29:46   作者:鼎盛文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:28183   评论:0



1911年12月29日,经辛亥革命后,已光复的17省代表在南京推选孙中山为中华民国临时大总统。1912年1月3日,中华民国政府宣告成立,清朝灭亡,在中国持续2000 多年的封建君主专制随之结束。
 这枚纪念币呈银白色,直径39毫米,其背面中间有“壹圆”字样,字两侧为麦穗图案,字上下方各有一行英文字母,英文字母两侧各有一个六角星;纪念币正面中间印孙中山头像,头像上方印字“中华民国”,头像下方印字“开国纪念币”,两字中间各有一幅梅花图案。孙中山开国纪念币当时铸造数量极为有限,特别是带六角星的目前已极为稀少,具有很高的收藏价值。 如需收藏购买,请与公司客服联系,我们将竭诚为您服务。
   On December 29 1911 after the revolution of 1911 the 17 provincial representatives in nanjing elected sun yat-sen as the interim President of the republic of China. On January 3 1912 the government of the republic of China proclaimed the founding of the qing dynasty the end of the qing dynasty and the end of the feudal monarchy that lasted more than 2000 years.
Comprehensive Tibetan friend know about sun yat-sen's founding COINS over the years silver Tibetan friend with only a few highly Tibetan friends in the favour of silver can be attributed to the following three points: one is gorgeous entertaining; Secondly there is a variety of varieties. 3 it is historical time is short easy to obtain coupled with the production quantity is little and after the war in the late qing dynasty frequently make silver loss is great these three points for collectors have the possibility of a long-term investment.
This commemorative COINS are silver 39 mm in diameter its the reverse side there is "one circle" words for grain design on both sides on the word below each have a line of English letters letters on each side with a hexagonal star; On the obverse middle print head sun yat-sen's head kisses words "republic of China" face with kisses word "founding COINS" two words have a picture of a plum blossom pattern in the middle. At the time the founding of sun yat-sen was very limited especially since the present of the hexagonal stars is extremely rare and has a high collection value. For collection please contact our customer service. We will serve you wholeheartedly.

标签:头上  纪念  开国  小头  纪念币  


