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时间:2017-04-24 11:17:48   作者:江南烟雨   来源:容艺网   阅读:107   评论:0
1895年,英国政府利用印度的孟买,加尔各答的造币厂铸造了新的贸易银元,俗称“站人”。“站人”银元先后在英国伦敦、印度孟买和加尔各答等两国三地制造,集英文、中文、马来文等三国文字于一体,p在世界铸币史上是非常罕见的。特别是将中国古老的篆字记于外币之上,令人啼笑皆非。它不仅反映了一段扭曲的历史,而且反映了英国及其英殖民地国家,一个特殊时期的政治、经济、文化、书法的发展变化。所以,“站人”远远超过一个国家,一种银币的文物价值。“站人”银元图案精美,内涵深邃。正面一名武士,站立岸头,傲视世界。左手持米字盾牌,右手执三叉戟,意为能攻能守,战无不胜。珠圈下左右两侧分列英文ONE-DOLLAR(壹圆),下方记载年号。背面中央有中文篆体“寿”字,上下为中文行体“壹圆”,左右为马来文“壹圆”。“站人”银元含银量一般是在89%--90  %,一般直径38--39毫米,重量 26.5--27克。最初流通于粤桂两省,1900年以后北方开始使用,京津较为流行。
     In 1895, the British government's use of the India Mumbai, Calcutta Mint new trade dollar, commonly known as "the station". "Stand" silver successively in London, India and Mumbai Calcutta and other three countries, set English, Chinese, Malay and other three characters in one, which is very rare in the history of the world. Especially the old Chinese zhuanzi in foreign currency, ironic. It not only reflects the history of a period of history, but also reflects the development and changes of the political, economic, cultural and calligraphy in the special period of the British and British colonies. So, "the station" is far more than a country, a silver cultural value. "Stand" silver exquisite designs, profound connotation. In front of a samurai, standing on the shore, disdain for the world. The left hand holding the right hand shaped shield, Trident, for attacking and defending invincible. Bead ring under both sides are English ONE-DOLLAR (one round), below the record year. There are Chinese Zhuanti "Shou" on the back of the central, the next Chinese for "one yuan", "one round about malay". "Stand" silver silver content is generally 89%--90%, diameter 38--39 mm, weight 26.5--27 G. Originally circulated in Guangdong Province, two provinces in 1900 after the North began to use, more popular in Beijing and tianjin.
     民国元年1912年英国造贸易银元俗称“站人,站洋”,属美品,1895年,英国政府利用印度的孟买、加尔各答的造币厂铸造了新的贸易银元,俗称“站人”。银元正面中央是一持戟、盾的武士,上端在武士左右有英文币值“ONE DOLLAR(一元)”,下有纪年;背面中央为寿字纹,上下为中文“壹圆”,左右为马来文“壹圆”。站洋是英国在印度发行的贸易银币,严格算来属于英国本土货币体系,标准称谓应该是“英国贸易银元”,重26.95克,成色90,只是国内俗称“站洋”。 专供具相当财力及专业爱好者收藏。
     In the first year of 1912 the BrIn the first year of 1912 the British made trade dollar commonly known as "station, ocean station", belongs to beauty products, in 1895, India, Mumbai, Calcutta Mint new trade dollar by the British government, commonly known as "the station". The front is a central silver halberd, shield warrior, a English currency "ONE DOLLAR in Samurai around (one)", a calendar; the central back Shou word lines, the next Chinese "one yuan", "one round about malay". The station is in India issued by the British foreign trade coins, strict calculation belongs to the British monetary system, standard appellation should be "the British trade dollar", weighs 26.95 grams, 90 fineness, only domestic commonly known as "ocean station". Designed for considerable financial resources and professional lovers collection.
    This is a rare collection of coins weighing, when the existing world quantity scarce, perfect for the collection device, has a great collection value and investment value. 




