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时间:2017-05-24 11:43:06   作者:13122376529   来源:容艺网   阅读:78   评论:10
“花钱”是“厌胜钱”的俗称,亦称“压胜钱”。是古代或近代一种铸成钱币形式的金属吉利品或辟邪品。“花钱”不是流通货币,仅供民间佩带玩赏之用。据《博古图》记载:“厌胜钱有五,一体之间,龙马并著,形长而方。李孝美号之曰压胜钱”。“花钱”自汉以来即有铸造,其形制甚多。有的正面有钱币上的文字和各种吉祥语,如“千秋万岁”、“天下太平”、“去殃除凶”等;背面则有各种图案,如星斗、双鱼、龙凤、斗剑、龟蛇等。 十二生肖为题材的“花钱”,是“花钱”中的一个重要门类。这种钱的用途是祝贺人们身体健康成长,一般用于儿童。该钱正面图案以“十二生肖”为主,多为鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪等十二种动物图案,并配有“子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥”等十二个字;背面图案形式多样,如背有“长命富贵”、“天下太平”等吉语,或背有八卦图等。最近有幸征集了一枚钱币珍品:十二生肖八卦花钱”,圆孔圆钱 ,为宋代所制,其用途大抵现代社会中的纪念币。其文化价值,与收藏价值较高,充分体现了古代民俗与古人精神面貌。图案造型大气,生动。近年来受到收藏界追捧。此枚钱币包浆老道、品相完整,历史留下的痕迹清晰可见。藏品品相精致,其审美风格独持,钱币虽小,也可管窥社会文化一斑。其包浆入骨,熟旧自然,深打字口清楚,流通痕迹明显,边齿过关,具有极高的投资价值和收藏价值。它有着历史熏陶,是价值很高的革命文物,具有深远的历史纪念意义;同时还是考古和研究中国历史文化难得的实物。如有意购买,请致电咨询,我们将竭诚为您服务。
"Spend money" is the common name of "get rid of money", also known as "pressure wins money."". Is a kind of ancient or modern forms of metal into coins or evil goods goods geely. "Money" is not a currency, only wearing with folk toy. According to the "BOGUTU" records: "between the exorcism numismatics has five, one, and Longma, long and square shape. Lee's name is money". "Money" has been cast since the Han Dynasty and has many shapes. Some positive coins text and all kinds of auspicious words, such as "long years", "Peace reigns over the land." "to aparine"; the back of a variety of patterns, such as stars, Pisces, dragon and Phoenix, tortoise and snake sword fighting, etc.. The "money spent" of the twelve zodiac themes is an important category in "spending money". The purpose of this kind of money is to congratulate people on their healthy growth, which is generally used for children. The money front pattern with "twelve zodiac", for the rat ox tiger rabbit dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig and other twelve kinds of animal patterns, and is equipped with the "son of ugly, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Shanghai, unitary Xu, Hai," twelve words; the back surface patterns in various forms, such as "back has a long life of abundance and respectability" and "auspicious or Peace reigns over the land. So, back eight diagram etc.. Recently, I have the honor to collect a treasure of coins: twelve zodiac signs, money spent, round holes, coins, made for the Song Dynasty, and its use is probably the commemorative coins in modern society. Its cultural value and collection value are higher, which fully embodies the ancient folk custom and the spirit of the ancients. Pattern, shape, atmosphere, vividness. In recent years has been sought after by collectors. This coin, seasoned patina intact appearance, history clearly visible traces. Collection of goods is exquisite, its aesthetic style is uniquely, money is small, but also of social culture reflected. The patina bone, ripe old natural, deep typing mouth clear, obvious signs of circulation, edge clearance, investment value and collection of high value. It has a historical influence, is a high value of the revolutionary cultural relics, with far-reaching historical significance; at the same time, archaeology and Research on Chinese history and culture are rare objects.If you are interested in buying, please call us and we will be happy to serve you.
花钱   花钱



