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时间:2017-12-01 17:46:19   作者:袁大头苏维埃版   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:8016   评论:0
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VIP增值服务、可以每天发送20万封销售邮件、普通客户是每周一发送一次、出合同时会加上VIP、  VIP客户还可以享受每天120名销售人员每人每天拨打10个销售电话推荐销售、普通客户每天只享受120名销售人员每人拨打5个销售电话
袁大头苏维埃版  此藏品为广东省的黄先生所藏有
Yuan Datou is one of the main circulating currencies in the Republic of China. "Yuan Datou" is a colloquial term for Yuan Shikai's series of coins. It is called "Yuan Shikai's silver coin on the back of Jiahe". After the 1911 Revolution, Yuan Shikai took the post of "temporary president" and then became the official president. At that time, in order to consolidate the domestic political stability, the development of national economy, but also to prepare for the "constitution" and "emperor", and released "national currency regulations", decided to "unification of the currency in the country". After the death of the Qing Dynasty, Yuan Shikai became the president of the country in April 1912. The Beiyang government given the coins, banknotes are very complex, the Chinese and foreign currency in circulation for more than 100 kinds of specifications, circulation, confusion, cumbersome rancours of people at the same time, conversion, also want to help the currency reform to solve the military issues, decided to cast hair currency. In order to improve his dominance, Yuan Shikai cast his head on the coin, and "Yuan Datou" came from it. In 1931, the Kuomintang reactionaries of the Soviet military encirclement and economic blockade, the red power struggle environment is very bad, in order to adapt to the situation of the struggle against the enemy, the Red Army has since captured the nouveau riche in the Republic of China three years old silver, "Yuan Datou" on Yuan Shikai's head like the right on the "Soviet" stamp, in order to show the difference, for the economic development of the revolutionary base, the Red Army and the red regime construction supply security. The Kuomintang will not build a "Soviet" silver "melted recast therefore cover the Soviet" stamp "Yuan Datou" does not see more, have certain value for collection. This Yuan Datou is five points on the left side of Yuan Shikai, and the three - year edition of the Republic of China is "three years of the Republic of China" on the right side of the "Soviet" three words. Patterns on the back of the intersection of two strains of rice is central to the "one circle", meaning "thought of democracy and Republic, constitutionalism and the constitutional monarchy" of hope. The above rulers have the vision of peace and prosperity, good luck, private collections, meaning "auspicious and" treasure, so there is a very high value of research.
袁大头は民国の時期の主要通貨の一つとして、「袁大头」は、袁世凱像シリーズコインの口語の通称、厳格な時と言って「袁世凱像背嘉禾銀貨」。辛亥革命以降、袁世凱就任「臨時大統領」の職に、後は正大統領。当時、国内政局を固めるために安定して、民族経済発展のため、「憲法を制定する」と「と」の準備をし、そして発布《国幣条例」、「思い切っ全国統一幣制」。清朝であった後、1912年よんしよ月袁世凱大統領就任。北洋政府にかんがみて当時のコイン、紙幣は、非常に複雑な通貨流通の国内外の百種類以上、規格、流通の混乱、換算くどい、民衆を借りたい積怨、同時に通貨制度を軍事費問題解決を決め発国貨幣鋳造。袁世凱の統治地位を高めるために、彼の頭は貨幣鋳造を前に、「袁大头」の由来。1931年、国民党反動派の区軍事封じ込めと経済封鎖、赤色政権対敵闘争環境が劣悪で、敵の必要に適応するために戦う情勢、赤軍が手に入れてから土豪民国の三年「袁大头」に旧銀貨、袁世凱のように右側頭を「ソビエト」のスタンプ、中、これに区別され、革命根拠地の経済発展、保障紅軍の供給と赤色政権の整備。そして国民党はない少盖『ソビエト」の銀貨鋳潰すられ、だから「ソビエト」の「御突いて袁大头」は少ないが、一定の価値を収集。この枚袁大头正面を袁世凱左側5分、民国三年版の上部は「中華民国三年」「右グラムソビエト」の3つの字。背面の図案は二本の稲穂は交差し、中央は「壱円」 寓意「民主、共和、憲政や立憲君主「等待の思想。コインの上に為政者が吹く風枝を鳴らさず、吉祥でのビジョン、民間収蔵、寓意は「家と万事兴」の吉祥の宝だので、とてもコレクション研究価値。




