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时间:2017-12-01 17:56:44   作者:鸣熙文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:3495   评论:0
崇宁重宝,系北宋徽宗崇宁年间铸(公元1102年-1106年),铜币正面镌刻着“崇宁重宝”,字体为隶书,端庄雄秀,古朴方正,严谨庄重,法度固定,字里行间留在钱币上的,是腐蚀钱币的铁锈;铜币背面则没有印制任何的字体。钱币的中央部分,是打孔的正方形图案,方正大方,落落得体,轮廓立体,这种钱币铸造形状便于老百姓将其串起来挂在身上,不易丢失。该铜币整体制作精良,版面清晰秀美,文字方正,保存良好,在经过时间的洗礼,岁月的冲刷后成古铜色,包浆自然,更富有其浓厚的历史感,此币存世量极少,十分罕见,是难得一见的古代钱币精品,值得收藏。返回搜狐,查看更多崇宁重宝系北宋徽宗崇宁年间铸(公元1102年~1106年),币质有铜、铁、银。 崇宁重宝为隶书铜、铁大钱,制作多亦精好,存世较多。另有崇宁通宝钱文为徽宗御书瘦金体,铁划银钩,深具骨秀格清之气韵,书法超妙绝伦,堪称币文楷书之颠峰。世人评此为“宋代第一泉”,与新莽并称中国钱发崇宁重宝每一枚重量在10克上下,相当于崇宁通宝小平钱3枚的重量,但是它要当10枚小平钱花,当时百姓把小钱贮藏起来或被销铸为当十大钱,造成小钱奇缺。至今,想觅到崇宁通宝小平钱较难,正常品相的都在在千元以上。崇宁重宝也有小钱,钱体轻薄,直径26毫米至27毫米,重量在2.5克至3.8克之间,据说当折二钱使用。
泉友闵先生购藏的一枚崇宁重宝大钱,钱文品相稍差,背穿左右巨型星月纹是比较少见的一种。这枚背横式巨星月纹的崇宁重宝,因存世量略少而价格稍高。The company treasures, Department of the Northern Song Dynasty huizongchongning cast years (1102 -1106 years), copper engraved with the positive "Chongning pride", the official script font, dignified male show, ancient founder, strict and serious, testimonies fixed on the coins, in between the lines, corrosion rust copper coins; the back is not printed any font. The central part of the coin is a perforated square pattern. The founder is generous, falling down properly, and having a solid outline. The coin is cast in shape so that people can string it up and hang it on the body, so it is not easy to lose. The total copper production of sophisticated, elegant layout clear text, founder, well preserved, after the baptism of time, the sun, the years after scouring the natural patina, more strong sense of history, this coin rarely, very rare, is a rare ancient coins boutique, worthy of collection. Return to the Sohu, see more of the Northern Song Dynasty Chongning pride huizongchongning cast years (1102 ~1106 years), the quality of copper coins, iron, silver. The official script of copper and iron company treasures money making much good, and more. Another company Bao Qian Wen as Huizong Yushu skinny body, Yingou iron row, deep bone Xiu standard clear tone, calligraphy ultra wonderful peerless, the script called peak currency. This is the world. "The song of the first spring", and said China Xinmang and money the company treasures each one weighing 10 grams under the equivalent of Xiaoping Company Bao money 3 weight, but it should be when the 10 Xiaoping money, then people put money in storage or be cast when pin ten a lot of money, money shortage caused by. Now, want to find the Company Bao Xiaoping money is more difficult, the normal product phase are more than 1000 yuan. There is also the company treasures money, money and light, the diameter of 26 mm to 27 mm, the weight of 2.5 grams to 3.8 grams, it is said that when using two fold money.
Quanyou Mr. min bought a company treasures money, money is the culture product is a bit poor, back wearing giant moon pattern is a relatively rare. This month marks the superstar back Chongning pride because surviving, slightly less and slightly higher prices.崇宁重宝、係北宋徽宗崇宁年間鋳(西暦1102年- 1106年)、銅貨正面が刻まれている「崇宁重宝」、フォントは隷書、端正雄ショー、古風で質樸方正、厳格な荘重、法度固定、行間に殘るのはお金には、腐食の貨幣の鉄さび;銅貨背面には何のフォントは印刷。貨幣の中央部分は、パンチの正方形の図案、方正気前が良くて、落落に輪郭立体、この貨幣鋳造やすい形状庶民を串て掛けに失われやすい。同銅貨全体の作り方がすぐれて、はっきりシュウメイ文字面、方正、保存状態は良好で、時を経て、歳月の浸食後成銅色包浆、自然、更に富んだその濃厚な歴史感、この幣存世量が極めて少なく、珍しい、ありがたいと古代の金幣収蔵品に値する。戻り捜狐、楽しむ崇宁重宝係北宋徽宗鋳造崇宁年間(西暦1102年~1106年)、元の質が銅、鉄、銀。崇宁重宝を隷書銅や鉄大金が少なくてもいい制作精目下、現存しているが多い。また崇宁通宝钱文を徽州宗御书痩金体、鉄漕ぎ銀はかぎ針で編んで、深い具骨秀格清の趣、書道超妙絶倫と幣文楷書のピーク。世間の評価がこれを「宋代の最初の泉」と、新莽と中国金発崇宁重宝一枚ずつじゅうグラム重量に相当崇宁通宝小平銭さん枚の重さ、しかしそれがじゅう枚小平お金の花、庶民の小銭を貯蔵してあるいはピンを「1鋳造大金をもたらし、小銭が払底している。今まで、探したい崇宁通宝小平銭が難しいようで、正常な品には千元以上。崇宁重宝も銭さんが、钱体軽薄で、直径26 mm~27 mm、重さは2 . 5グラムから3 . 8グラムの間、という二お金を使って折る。



