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时间:2017-12-05 09:49:42   作者:三年袁大头   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:6922   评论:0
三年袁大头   此藏品为安徽 孙女士所收藏
当时老百姓习惯上称旧银元为“大洋”,称苏区铸造的银元为“红洋”。国民党政权不会容忍打有“苏维埃”戳记的银元在市面流通,收缴后便回炉熔化,因此打有“苏维埃”戳记的“袁大头”传世很少,比一般的原版“袁大头”更具有收藏价值。   我国近代发行的各种老银币数以千计,但绝大多数都是清末民初的品种,相对而言,作为近代革命文物的中华苏维埃发行的银币要少得多,因此就更显得十分珍贵了,而“川陕省造苏维埃银元”在根据地银币中可说是比较有代表性的一个品种。中文名苏维埃银元属性老银币全称川陕省造苏维埃银元特征十分珍贵。   1932年10月,红四方面军在总指挥徐向前同志的领导下,率部由鄂豫皖苏区向西转移,进入四川,与当地革命武装汇合,于次年2月在四川通江成立了川陕省苏维埃民主政府,大力开展土地革命斗争。10月,红军歼灭了四川地方军阀刘存厚的主力部队,缴获了绥定府造币厂的大批先进设备,于是,川陕省苏维埃政府工农银行利用缴获的设备于1934年制造发行了大批精致的银币,它比1933年以前铸造的银币要整齐划一得多,因此很受根据地军民的欢迎。   目前,我国国内邮币卡交易市场中已很少能觅到这种“川陕省造苏维埃银元”了。据《中国银币图鉴》等书介绍,这种银币的各种版式定为“四级”(四级在老银币中属较珍稀品种),参考价约253万元左右。前年年底,在南方某省城举办的一场钱币拍卖会上,一枚品相上好的“川陕省造苏维埃银元”经过许多钱币收藏者的竞相参拍,终以320万元价格成交,可见目前喜爱并看好该币的收藏者大有人在。

At that time, the common people used to call old silver dollar "ocean", and called the silver dollar cast in the Soviet area as "red ocean". The kuomintang regime would not tolerate with "Soviet" stamp silver in circulation, withdraw after oven to melt, so it has a "Soviet" stamp "big head" yuan rarely handed down from ancient times, than the average of the original "big head" yuan more collectable. Our country modern all kinds of old COINS issued by the thousands, but most are the variety of the late qing and early republic, in relative terms, as a modern revolutionary cultural relics of the silver COINS issued by Soviet is much less, so more is very precious, and the "sichuan and Shanxi Province made Soviet silver" on base areas in the silver is more representative of a species. The Chinese name Soviet silver dollar attribute old silver coin full name chuan shan province build the Soviet silver element characteristic very precious. In October 1932, the red fourth-front armies under the leadership of comrade commander xiangqian, directed by anhui Soviet transfer to the west, in sichuan, with local revolutionary armed rendezvous, established in sichuan tongjiang in February the sichuan-shaanxi Soviet province democratic government, vigorously carry out land revolutionary struggle. In October, the main forces of the red army annihilated the sichuan local warlords Liu Cunhou, seized was set to house the mint of large quantities of advanced equipment, so the sichuan-shaanxi Soviet province government of workers and peasants bank using captured equipment manufacturing in 1934 issued a large number of fine silver, it is more uniform than casting before 1933 silver COINS, so popular with base in military and civilian. At present, China's domestic postal currency card trading market has rarely been able to find this "sichuan and shaanxi province made Soviet silver". According to the book "China's silver coin" and other books, the various types of silver COINS are classified as "level 4", which is a rare breed in the old silver coin. The reference price is about 2.53 million yuan. End of the year before, a town in the south of a coin auction, a quality of good "chuanshan province made the Soviet silver" after many coin collectors are racing to compete in the 3.2 million yuan price, visible now love and bullish on the coin collectors.



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