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时间:2017-12-12 18:31:46   作者:天圣元宝【篆书版】   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:57165   评论:0

天圣元宝【篆书版】   此藏品为吉林 吴先生所收藏

天圣元宝,北宋仁宗皇帝赵祯铸于公元1023年。赵祯在位四十年里,共铸有天圣、明道、景祐、皇宋、康定、庆历、至和、嘉祐等十一种钱币。天圣元宝为其中之首,有真、篆两体,为宋代最早的对钱。 天圣元宝在北宋钱币中并不太显眼,相对一般,因此并不引人注目。是为仁宗。赵祯时年13岁,还不懂政事,便由皇太后(明肃皇后)垂帘听政。其年号“天圣”,拆字作“二人圣”,意为两个圣人共同执政。然而,该钱文“天”之“夭”和“灭”的笔意,则透露出天圣年间火灾遭“天谴”的史实。史载,天圣十年(1032年),仁宗朝廷大内罹“火”,延烧八殿。人传,朝中以明肃皇后垂帘乱政,是女“夭”(妖)作怪,是为“天谴”,1033年便改元明道。

This collection was made by emperor renzong of the north song dynasty. In the history of the song dynasty, in 1022, the emperor zhao zhen was the emperor
Zhao zhen, emperor of the northern song dynasty, was cast in 1023 AD. During the four decades of his reign, zhao zhen was cast in 11 kinds of COINS, including tiansheng, mingdao, jingyou, emperor song, kangding, qingli, and jiayou. Tianshengyuan was the first of them, which had the true and the seal, which was the earliest money for song dynasty. It is not conspicuous in the coin of northern song dynasty. It's for renzong. At the age of 13, zhao zhen was still ignorant of government affairs and was left behind by the empress dowager. Its annual number "holy of heaven", the word "two people holy", means two saints to govern together. However, the written meaning of the "day" and "death" of the money revealed the historical fact that the fire was "damned" during the holy year. History, the ten years of the holy year (1032), renzong court of the "fire", the eighth hall. It is said that the empress of the Ming dynasty, the empress of the Ming dynasty, is the female "dead" (demon), is a "scourge", and in 1033, it will be reformed.
After the "tiansheng" changed the "Ming dao" years, the empress dowager was still not in charge of benevolence. At that time, there was the "Ming" of the year, which represented the emperor, "the moon" on behalf of the empress dowager. As a result, the hidden mystery of saint wing "saint" of the first year of money shall be the md (Yu Mingdao queen mother died two years) the court because of the need for political opposition, will "wellwishing TongBao" money change fan and casting.






