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时间:2018-01-31 15:03:36   作者:华羲文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:70761   评论:6
内容摘要:  明朝洪武年间,全国各省除少数省外,都没有铸钱炉,年铸钱约十九万贯,其中洪武五年时铸钱最多。洪武通宝钱币的钱背穿右各有一钱、二钱、三钱、五钱和一两等纪重文字。规定百分之百用铜,生铜一斤铸小平钱一百六十枚,折二钱八十枚,折三钱五十四枚,折五钱三十二枚,当十钱十六枚。当时一斤为十......

188洪武通宝     188洪武通宝








During the reign of the Ming dynasty, there were no cast-money furnaces in the whole country except for a few provinces, and the annual casting money was about 190,000, and hongwu had the most money in five years.

The money of hongwu tongbao money is worn on the right, each one has a sum of money, two money, three money, five money and one or two other words. Provisions of one hundred percent copper, copper casting a jin xiaoping one hundred and sixty pieces of money, two of eighty pieces of money, fold the 54th, three money five 32 pieces of money, when ten 16 pieces of money. At that time, it was sixteen and the money was heavy. When the ten big money is to wear the right one or two, put on the "ten" to remember the value. Four types of hongwu TongBao money, only remember the heavy money for large and medium-sized TongBao had no money, should be the hongwu 21 years to restore five money, such as "more deposit a letter to the sample" cast new money ought to be sure, zhu yuanzhang implement hongwu TongBao JiChong money, unifying the country's currency, since the end of the end of the meta state of chaos, the hongwu TongBao coin to promote the development of social economy at that time has played a positive role.

This ancient money writing "hongwu tongbao" is written in regular script, drawing and drawing, the edge is fine. For collection, please contact our customer service. We will serve you wholeheartedly.






