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时间:2018-03-12 10:56:35   作者:乾隆通宝天下太平宫钱   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:14043   评论:0
此藏品为宁女士所收藏   乾隆通宝天下太平宫钱   清代天下太平宫钱,从总的遗存所见情况来看,遗存多者主要是乾隆之后,而乾隆及其之前则相对很少见了。因此,康雍乾清三代的天下太平宫钱,可谓每一枚都具有不小的收藏价值。一赏,品文识书。本品面文“乾隆通宝”四字,背“天下太平”四字,皆楷书书体,直读。其字书写中规中矩,字形大小适中,布局协调,笔划横直竖立,用笔有力,整体书意凸显端庄规范。而从面文书意辩之,其书意正是乾隆行用钱之典型风格,故而根据此可以肯定地说,本品正是官炉所铸,书相开门之品矣。二看,观铸识体。不难看出,本品铸制精整,铸相显示,方正圆矩,平坦地章,干净穿轮。其字廓清晰,鼓凸适度,十分自然而毫无做作之态。其直径为34.6毫米,重约13.67克,厚薄适中,类折五形制大小。无需细表,此等铸相,彰显官炉品貌,实实在在。三鉴,辩锈识浆。展目本品,先坑出而后传世锈相鲜明展现。其地章上可见老熟锈垢覆盖,锈垢分布自然,质地坚实不糟。而复观其余,可见包浆凝重自然,深浅相间,铜色凸显熟老,黄铜质地可辨。这种鎏金到代的乾隆天下太平宫钱,至今已经非常罕见,颇具收藏价值矣。
In the qing dynasty, the taiping palace money, from the overall survival of the situation, the majority of the remains of the qianlong, and qianlong and before it is relatively rare. Therefore, kangyong and qing dynasty three generations of the taiping palace money, it is said that each has a small collection value. A reward, a good book. This article "qianlong tong bao" four words, the back "world peace" four words, all regular script book body, straight read. The word is in the middle of the book, the font size is moderate, the layout is coordinated, the strokes are upright, the pen is strong, the whole book is intended to highlight the demure and standard. The book meaning is the typical style of qianlong's money, so it is safe to say that this product is the product of the official furnace. Look at the casting. It is not difficult to see that this product is made of fine casting, which shows that the square is round, flat and clean. It has a clear outline, a proper bulge, and a natural and unaffected state. Its diameter is 34.6mm, weight is about 13.67 grams, thickness is moderate, the class is folded 5 shape. No need to detail table, such casting phase, show the appearance of the official furnace, real. Three mirror, the rust knows the pulp. Exhibit the product, first pit and then the rust of the world. It is shown in the ground that the rust is covered with rust, and the scale is natural, and the texture is not too bad. And the rest of the view, it can be seen that the slurry is dignified and natural, deep and shallow, copper color shows ripe old, brass texture can be distinguished. This kind of jin dynasty qianlong world peace palace money, so far is very rare, has a collection of value.

上一篇: 宣统通宝


