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时间:2018-03-23 15:30:49   作者:新疆省造光绪银元   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:28838   评论:0
新疆省造光绪银元   此藏品为杭州 周先生所收藏
此藏品为新疆省造光绪银元库平重一两。 这是新疆惟一带英文和无维吾尔文的银圆。币上英文SUNGAREI实际上是准噶尔的英译,但准噶尔不能代表新疆,准噶尔地区当时也无铸造此币的能力;又新疆计量当时习惯用“湘平”,而此处却用“库平”,而辅币四钱、二钱、一钱,属两钱制,二者分属两种计量关系,显然不是出自造币厂的专业人士之手。此币不知出处,铸期确切年代也无从查考,但此币素来名声大,价值高,昔日曾有孤品之称,如今断断续续发现三四枚。正面:点圈内“光绪银元”字,上为“新疆省造”,下为“库平重一两。背面:龙上英文是准噶尔的英译,龙下英文为库平重一两,极为少见。此枚新疆省造光绪银币库平重一两,整体品相完好,极具收藏价值,如需收藏购买,请与公司客服联系,我们将竭诚为您服务。

The collection is one or two pieces of guangxu silver yuan in xinjiang province. This is the only silver circle with English and no uyghur in xinjiang. The English SUNGAREI is actually the English translation of junggar, but junggar does not represent xinjiang, and the junggar region did not have the ability to forge this coin at that time. Xinjiang measurement was used again "xiang ping", but here in "library", and four token money, money, money, belong to two money, both belong to two kinds of measurement, obviously not the hand of professionals from the mint. This coin does not know the origin, the cast period exact date also can not be examined, but this coin has a reputation to be big, the value is high, once had once had the name of the orphan, now intermittently finds three or four. Front: the "guangxu silver dollar" in the dot circle is "made in xinjiang province", and the bottom is "kuping weight one or two." On the back: the English of the dragon is the English translation of junggar, and the English of the dragon is one or two, which is extremely rare. This xinjiang province made guangxu silver coin kuping weight one or two, the whole product is in good condition, extremely collect value, if need to collect purchase, please contact with company customer service, we will serve you wholeheartedly.





