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时间:2018-04-05 10:47:57   作者:鸣熙文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:26832   评论:0
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  同时,“袁大头”由于铸地多、铸量大,也出现了许多版别。有趣的是尽管版别不同,但“袁大头”壹圆币的标准重量都为七钱二分,以今天的计量方法是26.697克,成色97%-98%,含纯银23.493克。如果按年号“袁大头”分为民国三年、八年、九年、十年版等,均为普通版,。其中,民国八年版为英国伯翰造币厂所制钢模铸造,品相精美,具有很高的收藏价值,尤其是民国八年版的缺口“造”(银币上的“造”字的“口”缺一横)“袁大头”最值得收藏。另外,从铸造工艺及齿边纹饰来看,“袁大头”还可以分为这些版别:鹰洋齿边版、丁字齿边版、英文签字版、“甘肃”铭文版等、市面也出现含银成分偏低的民间私铸币。民国三年(1914年)二月国民政府财政部公布《中华民国国币条例》,整顿统一币制,规定民国三年袁头像银币一元为本位币。重七钱二分,成色银九铜一(后改为89%),统一流通。由天津造币厂开铸。后南京 、广东 、武昌 、甘肃造币分厂陆续开铸,币值有一元 、半元 、二角、一角等面值。有签字 、无签字版,边齿为185 、170道直线。纪年有三年 、八年 、九年、十年四种,细微差异颇多,成色参差不齐。本品为民国三年(1914年)兰州造币厂铸,此系甘肃“袁大头”最初铸品,花文较粗,成色甚劣,铸不多。In the three years of the Republic of China, there were many different versions of the Yuan Shikai silver coins, which were basically the same on the front, but the patterns on the back and some details were different. After the revolution of 1911, Yuan Shikai became the "temporary president" and became the official president.
At that time, in order to consolidate the stability of political situation in China, develop national economy and prepare for "making constitution" and "calling for emperor", the national currency regulations were issued, and the national "unified currency system" was decided resolutely.
The three year edition of the Republic of China is Yuan Shikai's profile. It's "three years of the Republic of China". The word "Nian" does not have "create" word. In the three year edition, there is a "point" in the word "Min", while there is no "point" in other years. The pages with less casting are: "O", rough, triangular, open shellfish, "Gansu", double star, big beard, big ear, etc. "Three years of the Republic of China (1914), the Northern Warlords Government formally cast Yuan Shikai silver coin, because of the coin cast Yuan Shikai side portrait, so folk commonly known as' Yuan Datou '. The "Yuan Datou" silver coin has four kinds of face value: one round, the middle circle (five corners), the two angle, the one corner, and the most common one is the one round 'Yuan Datou', so the commonly known 'Yuan Datou' refers to the silver coin of the one round Yuan Shikai head. "Yuan Da head" is first cast by the Tianjin mint, and then the mint branch of Nanjing, Guangdong, Wuchang and Gansu has been successively cast. Because of its silver and two components and good reputation, it has become a popular currency in the period of the Republic of China and for more and more times in all parts of China.
At the same time, "Yuan Datou" as cast, cast a large quantity, there are many types of. The interesting thing is that despite the difference, the standard weight of the "Yuan Datou" one round coin is seven and two cents, with today's measurement method is 26.697 grams, the color 97%-98%, containing 23.493 grams of pure silver. If you press the title "Yuan Datou" is divided into in three years, eight years, nine years, ten years version, are common version,. Among them, the eight year edition of the Republic of China was made for the steel mould made by the Burnham Mint in Britain. It has a high collection value, especially the gap "made" in the eight year edition of the Republic of China ("the mouth" of "making" on the silver coin). In addition, from the foundry technology and tooth edge ornamentation, "Yuan Datou" can also be divided into these categories: the eagle edge plate, the edinate side version, the English signature version, the "Gansu" inscription and so on, and the private private coins with low silver content on the market. In the three years (1914) of the Republic of China (1914), the Ministry of finance of the national government promulgated the regulations of the national currency of the Republic of China (MC), rectifying the unified currency system, and stipulated that Yuan Yuan in the Republic of China in the three year of the Republic of China was the standard currency. It costs seven yuan, two points, nine silver and 89%. It is opened by the Tianjin mint. After the founding of Nanjing, Guangdong, Wuchang and Gansu minting branches, the value of the coin has one yuan, half yuan, two corners and one corner. There are signed and signed plates, and the edge teeth are 185 or 170 straight lines. The annals are three, eight, nine, ten years, four, with many subtle differences. This product was made in Lanzhou Mint in the three years of the Republic of China (1914). This is the initial casting of Yuan Da Da, Gansu. Its flowers are coarse, and its color is very poor.民国の三年鋳造の袁世凱銀貨多くの異なるバージョンの、正面の絵柄は基本的に同じですが、背面のデザインといくつかの詳細については違う。辛亥革命以降、袁世凱就任「臨時大統領」の職に、後は正大統領。



