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时间:2018-04-05 11:02:07   作者:鸣熙文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:11903   评论:0
张经理电话15361846515 ( 如有咨询请联系客服  13138164729,若合作的客户推荐朋友与本公司合作、两人均可得到VIP、增值服务、并推荐人可以得到公司奖励200元现金提成奖励
Guangxu Yuanbao was one of the currencies circulated in Guangxu during the Qing Dynasty. By the Hubei viceroy Zhang Zhidong took the lead in the introduction of British coinage machine casting silver and copper, the provinces have to follow after. A total of nineteen Provincial Bureau of Ministry of casting, in addition to the central, local, cast copper, both on the front side edge of recording the name.
Guangxu Yuanbao is the first to circulate the big face value in the Qing Dynasty. It is the first import and export circulation currency of our country's first introduction of overseas technology, which has a certain historical significance for the present time. The highest value in Guangxu's treasure is the Shuanglong Shou coin made in Guangdong: Kuping one or two. The Qing Dynasty coins, banknotes, coins in parallel, to issue new Jiaqing and Guangxu years cast silver, gold and silver coins more. The westernization movement also affected the mint. Zhang Zhidong, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, had commissioned the British minister to order a full set of mint machines in Britain in thirteen years of Guangxu (1887), and made the first casting mechanism of silver and copper in the Guangdong money Bureau. Subsequently, the provinces have to follow, buy foreign machinery casting silver and copper. Including the Guangdong money Bureau, many of the mints are ordered from the famous London Bermingham coinage limited. The involvement of Great Britain has made silver coins also stained with Western colors. However, fresh coin head visible Han cultural fusion, and money back but clearly marked the involvement of Western culture. "At that time a total of nineteen in ingot casting bureau. In addition to the central department, provincial cast copper, both on the front side edge of recording the name. There are 1 accounts; 2 Beiyang; 3 Jilin; 4 Fengtian; 5 Qingjiang; 6 Zhejiang; 7 Jiangnan; 8 Guangdong; 9 Shandong; 10 Fujian; 11 Hunan; 12 Hubei; 13 Sichuan; Jiangxi; Anhui; Guangxi Guangxi; dialectical Anhui. The silver coin, Guangxu Yuanbao, was released in 1898, and its --1907 was 89%-90%. There is a inscription on the front, the top caste "XX province" or "the general mint plant", the value of the bottom cast currency, such as "Ku Ping four cents four cent", the center directly read the "Guangxu Yuanbao" four words, the currency center is the Manchu "Guangxu treasure". On the top of the back of the silver coin, the words "XX province" or "general Mint factory" are inscribed with small English standard font on the top of the back of the back of the coin. The following is the English currency value. The inner circle is cast with the center for the flat dragon map, the product is exquisite and its aesthetic style is unique. The coin is small, but also of social culture reflected. 光緒元宝は清の光緒年に流通した貨幣の一つである。湖北の両広総督张之洞から導入しイギリスコイン銀貨や銅貨機械鋳造、その後の各省が真似。共有十九個にとって鋳造り、中央戸部、地方の省が鋳銅貨も、正面に減らす摘み縁を書く。
光緒の元の宝は大清光緒年の流通の大部分の貨幣の首で、我が国の初めての海外の技術を導入する印刷の流通の貨幣で、今も一定の歴史の意義を埋蔵しています。光緒の馬蹄銀の中で、最高の価値は広東省製の双竜寿字幣:庫平重2。銀貨や銅貨清代札、並行して、から嘉庆年間発行新式銀貨、光緒の年間鋳行金、多くの銀貨。洋務運動にも影響がコイン業、両広総督张之洞かつて于光绪13年(1887年)からの委託をイギリス英大臣に全造幣機械を注文し、広東金局鋳造銀貨や銅貨首構造。その後、各省がまねて、海外購入制機械鋳造銀、銅貨。広東銭局を含む多くの造幣機は、有名なイギリスロンドンバーミンガム造幣有限会社から注文しました。イギリスの大工業が介入して、銀貨も西洋色に染まっている。金貨は正漢文化の融合を正面から見て、お金の背は西洋の文化の介入を明らかにした。「光緒馬蹄銀」当時共十九個にとって鋳造。除中央戸部、地方の省が鋳銅貨も、正面に減らす摘み縁を書く。計画が:いち戸部;に北洋;さん吉林;よんしよ奉天;ご清江;ろく浙江;ななしち江南;はち広東;きゅう、く山東;じゅう福建;じゅういち湖南、湖北じゅうさんじゅうに;四川;じゅうよん江西;じゅうご河南;じゅうろく安徽省、広西じゅうはち新疆じゅうななじゅうしち;;じゅうくアムール川。銀貨光緒馬蹄銀の1898年-- 1907発行、正常な品位を89%-90%。鋳造鋳銘文が正面、上部楷書の「XX省造」や「造幣総工場」、底鋳通貨価値の「庫平钱四分4分の」、中心棒読み「光緒馬蹄銀」の4字、幣センターを满文「光緒馬蹄銀」。銀貨背面上部で英語の標準のフォントアウトコーストランペット銘「XX省造」や「造幣総工場」と、次は英文の貨幣価値、内回り鋳中心を蟠龙図、品に精緻で、その審美独特な風格。お金は小さいが、管窥社会文化一斑。



