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时间:2018-04-05 14:29:04   作者:鸣熙文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:13002   评论:0
张经理电话18682334946 ( 如有咨询请联系客服  13138164729,若合作的客户推荐朋友与本公司合作、两人均可得到VIP、增值服务、并推荐人可以得到公司奖励200元现金提成奖励
袁大头是民国时期主要流通货币之一,“袁大头”是对袁世凯像系列硬币的口语俗称,严谨点说叫“袁世凯像背嘉禾银币”。北洋政府为了整顿币制,划一银币,于民国三年(1914年)二月,颁布《国币条例》十三条,决定实行银本位制度。《国币条例》规定:"以库平纯银六钱四分八厘为价格之单位,定名为圆","一圆银币,总重七钱二分,银八九,铜一一","一圆银币用数无限制",即以一圆银币为无限法偿的本位贷币。根据这一规定,于1914年12月及1915年2月, 先后由造币总厂及江南造币厂开铸一圆银币,币面镌刻袁世凯头像,俗称"袁头币"或"袁大头"。
铸造跨度从1914年至1951年,总发行量超过 7.5 亿枚。该系列币分别重26.6克、13.3克、5.3克和2.6克;成色分别为89.1%、84.5%、80.4%和82.5%;该币的外环主要是直齿边,另外,还铸有少量工字边和花齿边
Yuan head is one of the major currencies in the period of the republic of China. "yuan tou" is the colloquial name for yuan shikai's series of COINS, which is called "yuan shikai is like the back of the silver coin". In order to rectify the currency, the beiyang government made a silver coin. In February of the republic of China (1914), the government promulgated the article 13, and decided to adopt the silver standard system. The national currency ordinance provides: "eight mile with four library flat silver money six points for the price of the unit, entitled circle", "the total weight of a round silver COINS, seven binary money, nine times out of silver, copper", "a round coin with number of unlimited", namely to a silver circle is of infinite law countervail standard currency. According to this regulation, in December 1914 and February 1915, successively by coinage factory and open cast a round silver mint, jiangnan BiMian yuan shikai engraved portraits, commonly known as "Yuan Tou currency" or "big head" yuan.
Between 1914 and 1951, the cast had a total circulation of more than 750 million. The series is valued at 26. Six grams, thirteen. Three grams, five. Three grams and two. 6 g; The colors were 89.1% and 84 respectively. 5%, 80. 4% and 82. 5%; The outer ring of the coin is mainly straight teeth, besides, it has a small number of edges and flowers.
鋳物は1914年から1951年まで、総発行量が7億5000万枚を超えた。同シリーズはそれぞれ26歳。6グラム、13。3 g、5です。3 gと2。6グラム;同色はそれぞれ89.1%、84。80。4%と82。5%;このコインの外環は主に直歯の辺であり、また別には、少量の職種と花の歯が設けられている。



