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时间:2018-04-23 09:48:20   作者:乾隆通宝   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:39781   评论:0
乾隆通宝  此藏品为内蒙古 李先生所收藏
乾隆通宝,就是由于清高宗乾隆皇帝于公元1735年即位,在位的60年里施展其"文治武功"的治国策略,创造了封建社会里最后一个辉煌盛世,之后民间便盛传佩带"乾隆通宝"铜钱可驱灾辟邪,又因乾隆二字谐音"钱隆"而备受后世藏家所喜爱的钱币。该钱币铸于清高宗乾隆年间(1736-1795年),背面的满文比较复杂,上面有很详细的价格和钱币拓片。钱面文字"乾隆通宝"以楷书书写,其字从上而下而右而左直读。钱背文字沿雍正满文钱式穿孔左边有"宝"字,穿孔右边铸有各局名 。

Qianlong TongBao, is due to the qing dynasty the emperor qianlong emperor acceded to the throne in 1735 AD, in the 60 years of its "tai temple" governing strategy, create the brilliant outstanding achievement in the feudal society in the last millennium, after folk rumours that wear "qianlong TongBao" copper can drive off evil, and because of the word "qianlong homophonic" Qian Long "by later generations collectors favorite COINS. The coin was cast in the reign of emperor qianlong (1736-1795), and the full text on the back was complicated, with detailed price and coin rubbings. Qian long tong bao, written in regular script, reads from the top to the right. The money back text along yongzheng manwen money type perforation left has "treasure" word, perforation right casting has each bureau name.
Qianlong tong bao was cast in the reign of emperor qianlong (1736-1795) of emperor qianlong (1736-1795), and the full text on the back was more complicated, which could be referred to the catalogue of Chinese ancient COINS by hua guangpu, which had detailed price and coin rubbings. During the reign of emperor qianlong of the qing dynasty (1736~1795). Most of these for a little money, xinjiang red some when ten money money, gong of baoquan, treasure found to have a lot of money, but should be after the furnace or cast money, adb supplies, qianlong TongBao, word direct reading from up and down and right and left, money back text along the yongzheng manchu script type perforated left a "treasure" words, perforation on the right side of the casting have branches. Qianlong tongbao "a lot of format, the Beijing bureau of the use of the song body, the zhejiang bureau multi-purpose regular script, baoshan, baochuan two bureau official script, but most of the local money in the song body. Xinjiang red money part of the bureau back manchu, others on the back and manchu. A few of the money has stars, Chinese characters, and the year, the value, the back, ji and other money. Qianlong common in total 22 casting bureau, xinjiang red money has six casting bureau.

隆通宝の清高宗の乾隆の皇帝は、西暦1735年に即位し、在位60年の中にその"文治武功治国の策略は、封建社会を作り出した最後の栄光をにぎって、つけて巷では"隆通宝のコインが悪鬼災祓う、また、隆二字のハーモニーの"钱隆として后世にコインを言っが好きな。この金貨は、高宗(チョンジョン)乾隆の年(1736 ~ 1795年)に建てられ、裏の満文は複雑で、価格と硬貨の拓本が詳細に描かれている。銭面文字「乾隆通宝」は楷书で书き、その文字は上から右侧にまっすぐに読みます。お金の背文字には、雍正(まんま)文銭式の穿孔の左侧に「宝」があり、穿孔右には各局名があります。




