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时间:2018-07-21 15:46:40   作者:ry51855   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:20062   评论:0
内容摘要:民国帆船币”是中国近代机制币中的十大名誉品之一,它之所以名气大是由于他的历史性和珍稀性决定的。这枚钱币版面设计优雅,雕刻精良,但是,铸造量不多,流通量少所以存世极罕,有极高的历史价值与学术价值。 中华民国二十一年孙中山像三鸟帆船壹圆银币为银币收藏中的珍惜品种之一。该银币...





The junk money of the Republic of China "is one of the ten most famous products in modern Chinese machine-made coins. Its fame is due to its historical and rare nature. This coin is elegant in design and well carved but it has few foundry and few circulation so it is extremely rare and has high historical value and academic value.

In the twenty-one years of the Republic of China Sun Zhongshan was like a three bird sailing ship. The silver coin was issued in the twenty-one years of the Republic of China and was issued by the Central Mint of Shanghai commonly known as "Three Bird coins". The front pattern of the silver coin is the side portrait of Sun Zhongshan the "twenty-one years of the Republic of China" on the top of the portrait. The back pattern is a two mast sailing on the sea. The right side is the sun rising pattern on the right side and there are three flying seabirds above the ship. The silver coin is the first kind of silver coin issued on the eve of the national government's abandonment of the gold standard currency system and the silver standard. The first "ship ocean" silver coin issued on the eve of the "draft regulations" was published by the Ministry of finance. It had been set as the national currency by the Ministry of finance. It is usually exquisite and well preserved and its color is natural. Sun Zhongshan's head is vivid in the coin. The design is novel the foundry worker is exquisite has the extremely high collection value and the artistic value.






