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时间:2018-08-25 09:56:07   作者:雅轩_a01   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:22962   评论:0
内容摘要: 1911年5月,腐败的清政府假借铁路国有化名义,将民办川汉、粤汉筑路权出让给英法德美四国银行团,激起全国各地人民的反对,四川省反响尤为强烈,数十万人参加了保路同志军。武昌起义后,各省先后宣布独立,保路军包围了成都。赵尔丰控制不住四川的局面,只得将政权交给四川保路运动的领导......


In May 1911 in the name of the corrupt qing government under the guise of railway nationalization will be run by the local sichuan han YueHan road right to transfer to the British and French german-american four Banks stir all over the country people's opposition echo is particularly strong in sichuan province hundreds of thousands of people attended the comrade bao road army. After the wuchang uprising the provinces declared their independence and they surrounded chengdu. Mr. Zhao couldn't control the situation in sichuan so he had to hand over the regime to a constitutional authority such as the leader of the communist party in sichuan province. Thus sichuan province also declared independence established the sichuan military government of the great han dynasty and took over the chengdu coinage plant. In order to expand the military needs the coin has been cast in this "han" coin.
Sichuan general Long Mo casting copper in the late qing dynasty after the establishment of the republic of China to abolish Long Mo by sichuan government own model "a book sichuan coppers in four words center for Chinese flowering crab-apple small plus the junta made above four words add when worth fifty article below; on the other side with 18 small circle around a big circle circle seal letter Chinese characters with a straight line at the bottom. Top with the words of the first year of the republic of China. The model is the sichuan junta coppers to finalize the design has not changed.
This collection is rare collections of jack extremely rare intact the most similar jack collection at the museum of overseas and domestic museum are extremely rare if you want to buy this item please contact our customer service consulting we will serve you wholeheartedly the collection "the junta sichuan coppers" 




