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时间:2018-12-11 09:34:46   作者:雅轩_a01   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:1213   评论:0
内容摘要: 铜元,又称铜板、铜币,主要流行于清末民初,它与方孔铜钱的制钱最明显区别就是铜元中间无孔。铜元品种繁多,铸工精细,品种纷繁,图案流畅,文字隽秀,具有较高的鉴赏价值。1911年12月发生“成都兵变”,以尹昌衡、罗纶为正副都督的四川军政府取代了成立仅12天的大汉四川军政府。新的......



    Copper coin also known as copper plate and coin was mainly popular in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. The most obvious difference between copper coin and square hole coin is that there is no hole in the middle of copper coin. There are many kinds of copper yuan fine casters numerous varieties smooth patterns meaningful words which have high appreciation value. In December 1911 the Chengdu Mutiny took place. The Sichuan Military Government with Yin Changheng and Laurent as its principal and deputy governors replaced the Sichuan Military Government which had only been established for 12 days. At the beginning of the new Sichuan military government it was faced with the financial embarrassment that needed to be used for many times and the amount of expenditure was insufficient. The junta quickly took over the Chengdu Mint in Sichuan and decided to cast "Sichuan copper coins" for emergencies. In April of the first year of the Republic of China (1912) the Chengdu Mint of Sichuan under the orders of the Sichuan Military Government cast "Sichuan Copper coin made by the military government". This coin is Sichuan copper coin the front side of the book "Sichuan copper coin" four words the upper edge of the bead ring book "military government made" four words the lower edge of the currency value left and right decoration with flower star decoration. The money is written in a regular manner with a coordinated layout dignified and generous clear strokes strong strokes and spaced intervals. The color of this coin is yellowish and bright full of royal dignity. In the central circle on the back of the Sichuan copper coin is a seal book "Han". There are dozens of horizontal lines on the bottom of the word "Han". Therefore coin collectors also call it "Han" copper yuan. The circle of "Han" is also surrounded by 18 small circles representing eighteen provinces at that time. The rust phase was observed but the surface of the collection was dark and rusty mottled and heavy and the rust pulp was very compact and distributed naturally. Sichuan copper coins are rare in the world. Sichuan copper coins in fifty languages also have the character "Han" on the back of seal letters and eighteen circles. The number of coins survived is very small. When they were coined the sample coins were not issued in batches. The founding of the Sichuan copper coin by the military government in 1912 (the first year of the Republic of China) was very typical. Sichuan copper coins have less circulation shorter circulation time and less current stock. Collecting Sichuan copper coins has become a popular currency in collectors'eyes.




