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时间:2018-12-29 09:46:40   作者:雅轩_a01   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:2015   评论:0
内容摘要: 清代琢玉的规模、产量、种类,在中国古代玉雕史上是空前绝后的,其工艺水平集历代工艺之大成,掀起了中国古代最后一个造玉高潮,它艺术成就中最有代表性的便是“乾隆玉”。乾隆孝粉八卦玉碟是乾隆年间的一种玉碟,底部刻着篆字,上书“乾隆年制”,后有有人误念成“乾隆孝粉”,因名字通俗易解......




    The scale output and types of jade carving in the Qing Dynasty are unprecedented in the history of ancient Chinese jade carving. Its technological level is the greatest achievement of the past dynasties which set off the last climax of jade making in ancient China. The most representative of its artistic achievements is "Qianlong Jade". The Eight Diagrams Jade Disk of Qianlong Filial Piety is a kind of Jade Disk in Qianlong Period. Seal inscriptions are inscribed on the bottom of the Jade Disk. Some people misread it as "Qianlong Filial Piety Powder" after it was written in the book "Qianlong Annual System". It is spread because its name is easy to understand.

    This dish is elegant rich and elegant in temperament solemn and elegant in shape and is made of fine white Chinese jade with delicate and gentle stone quality and fine craftsmanship. From the shape and decoration of the dish the style is simple and elegant rigid and vivid. It is a rare jade art. The texture of the dish is very beautiful with eight diagrams carved on it. The shallow relief technique is clear and the lines are smooth and vivid. The deep and shallow moderate knife technique portrays the veins of twined flowers and leaves vividly showing a natural lively and enthusiastic artistic effect. Its artistic essence and design concept highlight the essence of ancient wisdom. It is of great historical artistic artistic and collective value.





