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时间:2019-01-18 14:21:13   作者:煜藏文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:2528   评论:0
内容摘要: 钱币正面中央图案为“十八星铁血旗”和“五色国旗”交叉而立、旗后有缨带,双旗寓意全国一统与民族大团结;重:6.5g 直径:2.7cm;钱币正面圈外上部书中华民国;左右饰有花纹;下方为开国纪念币;背面则镌“當制錢十文”标明币值。左右图案则为稻穗组成嘉禾纹,寓意丰民足岁;......



钱币正面中央图案为“十八星铁血旗”和“五色国旗”交叉而立、旗后有缨带,双旗寓意全国一统与民族大团结;重:6.5g 直径:2.7cm;钱币正面圈外上部书中华民国;左右饰有花纹;下方为开国纪念币;背面则镌“當制錢十文”标明币值。左右图案则为稻穗组成嘉禾纹,寓意丰民足岁; 此枚钱币保存好,包浆浑厚,流通使用痕迹明显,钱币上面的图文至今仍然清晰可见,乃当时造币量较少的一种品种,极具收藏价值。

The central pattern of the front of the coin is "Eighteen Stars Iron Blood Flag" and "Five Colors National Flag" with ribbons behind it. The two flags imply national unity and national unity; weight: 6.5g diameter: 2.7cm; the upper part of the front circle of the coin is the Republic of China; the left and right are decorated with flower patterns; the bottom is the commemorative coin of the founding of the country; the back is marked with "ten pieces of coin" indicating the value of the coin. The left and right patterns are the Jiahe grain of rice ears which implies that Fengmin is full-year-old. The coin is well preserved with thick pulp and obvious traces of circulation and use. The pictures and texts on the coin are still clearly visible. It is a species with less coinage at that time and has great collection value.

金貨の正面の中央の図案は「十八星の鉄旗」と「五色の国旗」が交差して立っていて、旗の後には葉があり、両旗は全国一説と民族の団結を意味します。重:6.5 g直径:2.7 cm、金貨の正面圏外の上部の本中華民国、左右に紋があります。左右の図案は稲の穂に嘉禾紋を構成して、豊かな人は十分です。このお金は保存して、のりがよくて、流通の使用跡は明らかで、貨幣の上の図文は今でも明らかに見えて、当時の造幣量の少ない1種の品種で、非常に収蔵している価値があります。



