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时间:2017-03-31 11:58:57   作者:13023171999   来源:容艺网   阅读:505   评论:0

    该币为‘湖南省造当制钱二十文双旗铜币’一枚,藏品直径:3.2cm,重:10.2g;该铜币正面图案中央为两面交叉的国旗,上方为“湖南省造”4个字,下面为记值:当制钱二十文。背面图案为稻穗组成的嘉禾纹,周边并有英文标注”TWENTY CASH”。此枚铜币现存世量不多,具有很高的收藏和投资价值,上面的绿锈也见证了其历史年代的沉积,不难看出它明显的历史过渡性特征,该铜币虽然历经沧桑,但纹路依然隐约可见,有着难以言表的收藏投资价值。    The money for the "Hunan province building when the cash twenty paper Shuangqi coins" a collection of diameter: 3.2cm, weight: 10.2g; the positive pattern for both sides of the central copper Cross flag, above the "Hunan province" 4 words, the following is the mark of value: when the money twenty. Reverse design is composed of Jiahe rice lines, and English surrounding labeled TWENTY CASH". This coin existing world is less, with a high collection and investment value, the above patent also witnessed its historical deposition time, it is not difficult to see clearly the historical transition characteristics of the copper despite the vicissitudes of time, but the lines still vaguely visible, a collection of investment value unspeakable.       经过这几年的钱币市场酝酿,以机制币为主的钱币交易市场正在悄然升温。特别是沿海城市及内地市场掀起一场铜币投资热。铜币是钱币收藏的很大一类,不同版别的铜币都有其独特的韵味,值得投资者们细细品味。在古币的市场交易中,这类双旗铜币更是备受青睐,成为很多上海收藏大家们追逐的焦点。该藏品湖南省造双旗铜币正在上海珍博龙华古玩城“老中国”文物商店进行展览展销。    After a few years, the money market brewing, the main mechanism of the currency trading market is quietly warming. Especially in the coastal city and the mainland market set off a hot investment in copper. Copper is a large collection of coins, coins of different types has its unique charm, is worth investors to savor. In the old market, this kind of Double Flag coins is favored, become the focus of many of you who chase Shanghai. The collection of the Hunan province to build double flag coins are Zhen Bo Shanghai Longhua Antique City "old China" cultural relics shops exhibition.       相比近两年不断低迷的国内艺术品市场行情,今年钱币拍卖显然要活跃很多,各板块精品迭出,精彩依旧,珍稀钱币成交价稳步提高,尤其是明清民国钱币异军突起,因存量稀少受到高端藏家青睐,成为钱币拍卖市场一个新的热点。    Compared with in recent years has been sluggish domestic art market, this coin auction obviously active a lot, the plate products one after another, wonderful still, rare coins price steadily increased, especially in the Ming and Qing Dynasties in coins due to scarce stock by A new force suddenly rises., high-end collectors favor, a coin auction market a new hot spot.       钱币作为古玩的一种,一直以来都是收藏家关注的热点。而且材质珍贵,艺术价值高,由贵重金属或白银合金铸造,制作精美,图案考究,文字清秀,内容丰富,银光灿烂,其貌可人,也具有一定的保值和升值功能。    As a kind of antique coins, has been the focus of attention of collectors. And precious material, high artistic value, the precious metal or silver alloy casting, produced exquisite, elegant designs, text handsome, rich, bright silver, pleasant appearance, but also has a certain value and appreciation function.       民国成立后,铜元仍继续大量流通使用。1914年,铜元正式改称“铜币”,民国发行的铜币与清ZUI DA的区别是龙纹被换成了由稻穗组成的嘉禾纹。各省铸造的铜元大多为两面叉的国旗图案,并有“开国纪念币”或“中华民国铜币”字样。    After the establishment of Republic of China, still continue to use a large number of copper coin circulation. In 1914, officially renamed the "copper coins", the difference between the Republic of China issued coins with ZUI DA was replaced by the dragon is composed of Jiahe rice grain. The casting copper mostly two fork of the flag, and the "Founding coins" or "coins of the Republic of China".       中华民国开国纪念币是铜元收藏研究中数量很大,也是很重要的一个品类,甚至可以说是民国铜元的主体品种。1911年辛亥革命胜利后,清帝退位,中华民国成立,中华民国开国纪念币是由民国政府发行的一款纪念铜钱,正面“中华民国开国纪念币”字样,十文,背面交叉龙旗。铜币当时面值以当十、当二十为主,当五十面值的相当少见,非常珍贵。    The founding of the Republic of China commemorative coins is the number of large copper coin collection, a category is also very important, and even can be said to be the main varieties of copper. In 1911 after the victory of the revolution, the Qing emperor to abdicate, the establishment of the Republic of China, the founding of the Republic of China commemorative coins issued by the government of the Republic of China commemorative coins, is "the founding of the Republic of China commemorative coins", article ten, back cross dragon flag. At the time when the copper par in ten when twenty, when the fifty face quite rare, very precious.       民国初期铜元主要指民国元年(1912)至民国七年(1918)。其种类有“开国纪念币”、“共和纪念币”及铸有省名的民国铜元等。这一时期新式铜元与清末旧式铜元混合流通,使铜元的混乱程度进一步恶化。    In the early Republic of China copper mainly refers to the first year of the Republic of China (1912) to seven years of the Republic of China (1918). There are the types of "Founding commemorative coins, commemorative coins and cast of" the famous copper etc.. During this period, new and old copper copper in the late Qing Dynasty mixed circulation, the confusion degree of further deterioration of the copper.            




