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时间:2017-10-20 18:12:34   作者:鸣熙文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:33442   评论:0
内容摘要: 五帝币是指清朝顺治、康熙、雍正、乾隆、嘉庆五个皇帝的铜钱,据说有挡煞、防小人、避邪,旺财之功效。五帝钱有挡煞、防小人、避邪、旺财、祈福之功能。中国民间自古就有佩戴钱币以挡煞、防小人、避邪、旺财、祈福的习俗。五帝钱是中华民族中最兴盛的五个帝王所铸钱币,因而五帝钱更多汇聚了天、地、......


The currency refers to the five emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi, Yong Zheng, Qian Long, Shunzhi, Jiaqing coins, is said to have block evil, anti villain, evil, Wangcai effect. The money is block evil, evil, anti villain, Wangcai, blessing. Chinese folk has a worn coin to block evil, evil, anti villain, Wangcai, the custom of praying. The money is the five emperor of the Chinese nation the most prosperous cast coin, so the more money together, the gas and gas 100 circulation, the town house, Meshach, and both Wangcai function, can strengthen the confidence to resolve the defects of the master, puzzled. The money is Shiling, Arafat, both the emperor and the national god. In ancient times, the folk belief is the divine thought that the imperial power is day granted, only the emperor is the incarnation of God communication world. The money is the cohesion of the emperors such arrogance and the air, a lot of achievements albert. The Qing Qing Dynasty created a millennium situation. Qin Shihuang unified China, opened the great, built all the power, can be described as "the eternal emperor"; Han Dynasty opened up the Silk Road, known as the "hollowed out tour"; Tang Taizong established the Tang Empire, was known as the "Great Khan" known to the world. He established China history of ancient economic and cultural prosperity of the Song Dynasty; Ming emperor sent Zheng He's seven voyages, the Chinese civilization spread overseas, Ming Yongle reign in seventeenth Century to become the international trade in hard currency. Imperial Majesty and momentum spread far at home and abroad, the emperor and the momentum of the powerful nation. As they cast coins is the only legacy with the emperor Wei of the spirit, the real money is precious and rare.




