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时间:2017-12-12 14:57:40   作者:九年造袁大头   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:38203   评论:0
袁大头是民国时期主要流通货币之一,“袁大头”是对袁世凯像系列硬币的口语俗称,严谨点说叫“袁世凯像背嘉禾银币”。辛亥革命以后,袁世凯就任“临时大总统”之职,后又成为正式大总统。当时,为了巩固国内政局稳定,发展民族经济,也为“制宪”和“称帝”作准备,于是发布《国币条例》,毅然决定在全国“统一币制”。“袁大头”,是对铸造于民国初年镌有袁世凯侧面头像壹圆银币的一种俗称。因其首铸于民国九年,又有称“民九”者,此类别称由来已久。作为民国军阀银币的领头羊,“大头”系列对钱币收藏爱好者来说,并不陌生。“袁大头”银元的诞生,也是银元发展的必然结果。在辛亥革命后,袁世凯为了解决军费和提高个人政治地位而发行的银元货币,因这些银元铸有他的侧身图像而得名。 ? “袁大头”在货币收藏界被称为银元之宝,它是中国近千种近代银币中流传最广、影响最大的银元品种,也是近代中国币制变革中的一个重要角色。由于它是实物货币,介于人们对贵金属的认可,以及对历史文化强烈的认同感,因此收藏的人不在少数。“袁大头”的变现能力比较强,这也是藏家看好的因素之一,“钱”景一片看好。数量极其罕见,价格之高,亦难以想象,最近的拍卖价,竟高达数百万元,目前已成为银元爱好者及收藏者梦寐以求的珍稀之品。  

Yuan was one of the major currencies in the period of the republic of China. "yuan head" was the colloquial term for yuan shikai's collection of COINS, which was called "yuan shikai as the silver coin of the back". After the revolution of 1911, yuan shikai became the "interim President" and later became the official President. At that time, in order to consolidate the domestic political stability, the development of national economy, and to prepare for the "constitution" and "peanuts", then release the national currency ordinance, resolutely decided to "unified monetary" across the country. "Yuan big head", is to cast in the republic of China in the early years of the engrave to have yuan shikai's profile picture of a silver coin. Because of its first casting in the republic of China, there are also known as the "people nine", such a nickname has a long history. The "big head" series is no stranger to coin collectors. The birth of "yuan big head" silver dollar is also the inevitable result of the development of silver dollar. In the wake of the 1911 revolution, yuan shikai was named for the silver dollar in order to solve military expenditure and improve his personal political status. ? "Big head" yuan in money collecting is called the treasure of silver, it is the most popular in China in nearly one thousand kinds of modern silver, silver varieties, and the greatest influence is also an important role in the monetary system reform in modern China. Because it is a physical currency, in between people's recognition of precious metals and a strong sense of history and culture, the collection is not a minority. "Yuan big head" has strong liquidity, which is one of the favorites among collectors. "money" is a promising one. The quantity is extremely rare, the price is high, also can not imagine, the recent auction price, unexpectedly reach millions of yuan, has become the rare goods that the silver yuan lover and the collector coveted.





