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时间:2018-09-07 15:28:36   作者:恩锐网络   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:35660   评论:0
内容摘要: 近年来,随着收藏热的不断升温,在古玩市场,古钱币的收藏投资正以独特的魅力吸引着广大投资爱好者,各地钱币拍卖会也时常传出珍稀古钱币拍卖价格屡创新高的消息,社会上的各路人马及各种游资也想参与到古钱币的收藏投资中来。 该币为河南省造‘双旗币当制钱二十文’一枚,该铜币正面图案中央为两面......

近年来,随着收藏热的不断升温,在古玩市场,古钱币的收藏投资正以独特的魅力吸引着广大投资爱好者,各地钱币拍卖会也时常传出珍稀古钱币拍卖价格屡创新高的消息,社会上的各路人马及各种游资也想参与到古钱币的收藏投资中来。 该币为河南省造‘双旗币当制钱二十文’一枚,该铜币正面图案中央为两面交叉的国旗,下面为记值:当制钱二十文。 背面图案为稻穗组成的嘉禾纹。此枚铜币现存世量不多,具有很高的收藏和投资价值,上面的包浆也见证了其历史年代的沉积,不难看出它明显的历史过渡性特征,该铜币虽然历经沧桑,但纹路依然隐约可见,有着难以言表的收藏投资价值,欢迎来电咨询。

In recent years with the increasing popularity of collection in the antique market the collection and investment of ancient coins is attracting a large number of investment enthusiasts with a unique charm coin auctions around the country often spread the news that the auction price of rare and ancient coins has repeatedly reached a new high. Everyone in society and all kinds of hot money also want to participate in the collection of ancient coins. Tibet investment. The coin was made in Henan Province as a "double-flag coin when making money" one the copper coin front pattern for the central cross-flag the following value: when making money 20. The Jiahe pattern on the back is composed of Rice Panicles. This copper coin has a small amount of existing world has a high collection and investment value the above wrapped pulp also witnessed the deposition of its historical age it is not difficult to see its obvious historical transitional characteristics although the copper coin has undergone vicissitudes but the grain is still vague visible with indescribable collection and investment value welcome to inquire.




