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时间:2019-01-05 14:31:59   作者:恩锐网络   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:2642   评论:0
纵观近几年的藏品市场,各类珍奇异石不乏可陈,然而,对于那些本身就现存量极少,在市场上异军突起的明清钱币或者民国货币而言,则更容易受到藏品大咖们的注意和亲睐。同时,随着各地市场古钱币交易的次数愈加频繁,且因它为大众藏友们带来的价值不菲,使得钱币在各地拍场中所占据的地位越来越高。此藏品名称: 中华民国双旗铜币一枚。藏品币正面图案中央为两面交叉的国旗,背面图案为稻穗组成的嘉禾纹,上方为“中华民国”4字,下面为记值:当二十铜元;此枚铜币现存世量极少,具有很高的收藏和投资价值。
Looking at the collection market in recent years all kinds of rare and exotic stones can be old. However it is more likely that the Ming and Qing coins or the currency of the Republic of China are more vulnerable to the attention and popularity of the Tibetan big cafes. At the same time with the more frequent trading of ancient coins in the market and the value it brings to the people of the public the money has become more and more high in the local market. The name of this collection is one copper coin of the two flag of the Republic of China. The positive pattern of the Tibetan coin is the flag of two sides cross the back pattern is the grain of Jiahe the top is the "Republic of China" 4 words the following is the value: when twenty copper yuan; the copper coin has very few existing world and has a very high value of collection and investment.



