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时间:2016-11-29 15:03:28   作者:13023171999   来源:容艺网   阅读:56305   评论:0

象形奇石《脱兔.魚》TUOTU。此《脱免.魚》奇石色绿如静杨,又如《孫子兵法》九地篇、践墨随敌,以决战事。是故始如处女,敌人开户,后如脱兔,敌不及拒。真乃一个名副其实:(背面的耳朵完全象现代脱免软件的标志),:長23厘米、宽16厘米、厚7厘米。重3.89kg。形、质、色、纹、韵具象。整体象兔子,与兔大小比例完全一致。又象古代将军盔甲上的虎头,虎头倒八字,有虎的成猛。又有《梅兰竹菊》的"兰”字。兔的耳朵、有金龍魚身体的神态、魚头、鱼眼、鱼嘴。魚嘴里叼着一只元宝。兔尾面象个师圣和寿星。兔的正面倒过来是一条跃入大海的金龍鱼,似龍歸大海和一只大元宝或金字塔。看流水线。兔的背面完全象现代TUOTU的标志和一艘远洋航行的帆船,真是一帆風顺。王者的威武,兔的舒静,鱼的游刃。连年有余、财源滚滚。中间一条黄金带,金带后面是象宋朝官窑烧造的茶末釉将军罐,又象个钱袋子,大自然的鬼斧神工。基于该奇石的多层文化底蕴,它集“師圣和寿星,虎、免、金龍魚或大海豚、兰字、元宝、茶末釉色将军罐"整体是个护心宝镜和一艘远洋的帆船,外加一个虎头倒八字在其中,大自然鬼斧神工,稀世珍品《脱兔.魚》奇葩神石显九统。确实为人们玩石猎石拓展了制胜的想象空间。鑑于此奇石《脱兔.魚》静若處子,動若脱兔,确实出类拔萃,堪稱是國際石壇的天然力作,是舉世無雙的国宝。它赋予给人类文化与艺术品的宝贵财富。!诗曰:月宫嫦娥舒秀舞,人间玉兔佳節来。中国四大奇石都因形神具备才能称之为奇。而这一方《脱兔.魚》奇石引大地之精华,集天穹之 靈氣。奇不奇在每一件是绝无仅有的,它集自然天成,唯一性、稀缺性、艺术性。不可再造,世界上任何其它物品都很難同時达到的条件。不失为一件珍品。

Pictographic stone "Tuotu fish" TUOTU. This "free" green stone. Fish such as static Yang, such as "Sun Tzu" nine articles, with the practice of ink to the enemy, the battle. It is only as a virgin, the enemy to open an account, as Tuotu, not to the enemy. It is a worthy of the name: (on the back of the ear completely free software as a symbol of modern), 23 cm long, 16 cm wide, 7 cm thick. Heavy 3.89kg. Form, quality, color, texture, rhyme. Overall as the rabbit, and the size of the rabbit is completely consistent. And like the ancient the armor on the tiger, tiger tiger fell into a character. And "meilanzhuju" "blue". Rabbit ears, arowana body posture, head, eye and mouth fish. Fish mouth one yuan. The rabbit tail like a saint and longevity division. In front of the rabbit upside down is a sea dragon fish, like the Dragon into the sea and a big gold ingot or Pyramid. Look at the pipeline. The back of the rabbit is completely like a modern TUOTU logo and an ocean going sailing vessel. The mighty king, rabbit Shu Jing, the fish swims. Year after year, money rolling. The middle of a gold belt, gold belt is behind the Song Dynasty kiln Shaozao like tea dust glaze general tank, and a bag of money, extraordinary as if done by the spirits of nature. The stones of the multilayer culture based on its "division St. and longevity, tiger, free, fish or dolphins, blue dragon characters, gold, tea dust glaze tank" is a general overall mindarmor Baojing and an ocean sailing, plus a tiger down character in the rare treasures extraordinary as if done by the spirits of nature. Tuotu. "Fish" wonderful God stone Xianjiu system. Indeed for the people to play stone hunting stone to expand the winning imagination. In view of this stone "Tuotu. Fish" static if the virgin, if moving from rabbits, it is called the stone altar rise above the common herd, the natural masterpiece, is unique treasures. It is endowed with the precious wealth of human culture and art. Chang Shu said:! The moon dance show, Moon Festival to the world. Chinese four rocks are due to have the spirit to be called odd. And this one "Tuotu. Fish" stone of the earth in the sky lead, aura. Each piece is unique in the strange, it sets the nature, uniqueness, scarcity, art. No other items in the world can be difficult to achieve at the same time. May be regarded as a treasure.象形奇石《脱兔.魚》 象形奇石《脱兔.魚》



