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时间:2018-04-12 18:04:58   作者:鸣熙文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:36004   评论:0

玻璃陨石是与某种石陨石伴生的一种,玻璃陨石是某种石陨石降落过程中融化的液质冷却后的产物。玻璃陨石的母石为淡绿色和黑色两种,因此,玻璃陨石的降落都是与母石共同进行的。玻璃陨石为半透明的玻璃质体,有微弱磁性,颜色为墨绿色、绿色,淡绿色,棕色,褐色,深褐色,还有少见的朱砂色。比重为2.6至3.0左右。玻璃陨石是在高空、高温、高压和高速下形成的,所以它有明显的形成特证:内部高纯度无杂质,通体布满致密的小气泡,外部有融壳,融壳上有流纹,外部和融壳下有时会产生大的气印。因为玻璃陨石在降落过程中为液质体,在高速下它们会被分解为较小的质量体,因此客观上不存在极大质量的玻璃陨石,但它与母石伴生陨落时或许较大的质量体。 [玻璃陨石内常有气泡空腔,大小由几微米至几毫米,个别可达几厘米;有的还含有焦石英柯石英斜锆石和陨石中常见的铁镍金属。
The meteorite is associated with some kind of stony meteorite. The glass meteorite is a product of liquid cooling after melting of some stony meteorite. The parent rocks of the glass meteorite are two kinds of light green and black. Therefore, the falling of the glass meteorite is carried out jointly with the parent stone. The glass meteorite is a translucent glass plastid with a weak magnetic color of green, green, light green, brown, brown, dark brown, and rare cinnabar color. The proportion is about 2.6 to 3. Vitreous meteorites are formed at high altitude, high temperature, high pressure and high speed, so it has obvious special evidence: high purity and no impurity inside, dense small bubbles, external melting shell, flow pattern on the thaw shell, and large gas print sometimes under the external and thaw shell. Because the glass meteorites are the plastids during the landing process, they will be decomposed into smaller mass bodies at high speed, so there is no objective glass meteorite with great mass, but it may be a larger mass body when it falls with the parent stone. [the glass meteorites often have bubble cavity in size from a few microns to several millimeters and a few centimeters, and some also contain the common iron and nickel metals in Jiao Shiying, cotite, diagonal zircon and meteorites.



