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时间:2018-04-18 17:25:25   作者:天然奇石   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:19372   评论:0
天然奇石  此藏品为山东 赵先生所收藏
奇石, 系指天然形成的形状不一般的石头,其材质、造型、色彩及花纹不同寻常,能够满足人们的猎奇或审美习性,可供观赏收藏把玩,如中国四大奇石:《东坡肉形石》、《岁月》、《中华神鹰》、《小鸡出壳》。奇石在我国历史上又称为怪石、象形石、雅石、供石、案石、几石、玩石、巧石、丑石、趣石、珍石、异石、孤赏石等,我国台湾及港澳称谓雅石,日本称水石,在韩国称寿石。 从广义上来讲,凡是具有观赏价值的自然石均可称为奇石。奇,异也,有别于一般者为“奇”一般泛指经过天然形成的,大自然雕琢、洗炼的,石形独特,石色鲜艳,石质细腻,纹理图案优美,具有一定观赏性以及收藏价值、经济价值、美学价值极高的石品,都可“奇”也指石品上的造型及图案奇特。奇石的最大特征在于:奇石不仅需要具备天然性,还要具备自然性,简单的说,就是石头未经过任何人工雕琢,修饰或人为加工合成。如需收藏购买、此藏品请与我们客服联系、我们将竭诚为您服务。
   Strange stone, refers to the natural form of stone, its material, shape, color and pattern are unusual, can meet people's curiosity or aesthetic habit, can be used for viewing and collecting, such as China four stone: " Dongpo Meat-shaped Stone "," time ", " Chinese eagle "," chicken out shell ". Stone in our history is also known as stones, Pictographic, Scholar's & Mountain, gongshi, Shi, Shi, no-one, qiaoshi, Chou Shi, interest, Jane, Yishi, fatherless stone, China Taiwan and hong kong and Macao appellation Scholar's & Mountain, Japan called Water stone, in south Korea called shoushi. In a broad sense, all natural stone with ornamental value can be called strange stone. Strange, different, different from the general " odd" general refers to the natural formation, natural and refined, stone - shaped, stone - colored, delicate stone, texture patterns beautiful, with a certain ornamental and collection value, economic value, and the high aesthetic value, can " odd" also refers to the shape and the unique pattern on the rock ornament. The biggest feature of the stone is that the stone needs not only natural, but also natural, simple to say, is that the stone has not been artificially carved, modified or artificially processed. If you need to collect the purchase, this collection, please contact our customer service, we will be dedicated to serve you.

石し、自然の形成の珍しい石、その珍しい素材、形、色、および人々 の好奇心や審美的な特性、4 個の石などを再生するコレクションを見てご利用いただけますを満たすために、パターンの図形を参照: 東坡肉形石、年、中国のコンドル、シェルのうち鶏。 岩とも呼ばれ、絵文字の岩は、わが国の歴史の中で石の岩、石、石、少数の石、石、喬石、興味深い石、zhenshi、異なった石、モノリス、立っている石、中国の台湾と香港とマカオ香港、日本水石、醜い石セットと一緒に韓国に。 大まかに言えば、自然な石は観賞価値の石を呼び出すことできます。 また、異なる奇数は異なる湯全般から



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