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时间:2019-02-18 09:55:50   作者:煜藏文化   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:8591   评论:0
内容摘要: “五子登科”指的是后周窦禹钧教子有方,他的五个儿子先后考中进士的故事。在传统社会,皇榜题名是头等的大喜事,意味着“鲤鱼”跃进了“龙门”,光宗耀祖,以后就是纷歧样的人生了。一家有一个高中就已经很荣耀,一下子有五个儿子高中简直是天大的喜事!难怪窦禹钧会被时人及后人......




"Five sons enrolled in the examination" refers to the story of Dou Yujun's educated son in later Zhou Dynasty whose five sons successively passed the entrance examination. In traditional society the title of Emperor's List is the first great joy which means that "carp" leaped into the "Dragon Gate" to glorify the ancestors and then there will be different life. It's a great honor for a family to have a high school. It's a great joy to have five sons in high school all of a sudden. No wonder Dou Yujun will be envied by people of the time and future generations. Even the admission of his family's five sons has gradually evolved into an allusion a lucky language often quoted by later generations or cast on bronze mirrors or depicted on porcelain and become a symbol of auspiciousness wishing every owner a prosperous and prosperous family. The circular button of the bronze mirror "Five Zi Dengke" has four symmetrical raised boxes outside the mirror seat and four characters of regular script "Five Zi Dengke" inside the box. This mirror is decorated with string pattern for a week the bottom edge is rolled up and the pulp is naturally shining. At first glance it is an inherited product soaked through the years. And as the art market continues to rise this collection will surely become a dark horse in the bronze mirror market.




