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时间:2017-06-19 11:56:36   作者:容艺网   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:18603   评论:0

民国三年袁大头   此藏品为陕西马先生所藏有



A small old coin is rich in historical elements. While there are not many of the best ancient COINS in the world today, the value of every boutique is expensive. The price of ancient COINS is judged by the amount of the living, the value of the art and the historical value, and it fluctuates in varying degrees as the supply and demand of the market changes. Yuan yuan silver yuan is popular in the world of collecting because of its unique art viewing value and cultural relic value. "Big head" yuan represents the currency of modern Chinese culture, reflects the rise and fall of China's modern history, economic, financial and vicissitudes of life, has the very high ornamental value and cultural value of art, also has a certain value maintained and appreciation functions. There are not too many "yuan big head" in the current private sector, and silver is a precious metal, which is very risky and very suitable for investment and collection.

The "yuan big head" silver yuan has a certain value of protection and appreciation because of its high art appreciation value and cultural relic value. Especially in recent years, with the growing investment boom, "big head" yuan popular with each passing day, the price rise, so the vast majority of the personage inside course of study thinks "big head" yuan is a horse of silver collection "dark horse", has the high appreciation potential. The best of the silver yuan is yuan shikai silver in the republic of China. Positive for three years of the republic of China "big head" yuan yuan shikai five points in profile, the above "three years of the republic of China" the six, two golden harvest on the back, left and right interaction, the fastening belt, cast in one round. Even though it is "a hundred years old", it is still intact and the quality is better.





