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时间:2017-06-24 14:39:54   作者:容艺网   来源:网络   阅读:16309   评论:0

吉州窑梅瓶   此藏品为杨先生所藏有

此展品为南宋文物,颈长肩丰,器形饱满;腹以下渐收,圈足,胎体细腻。吉州窑是中国现有保存完好的古代名窑遗址之一。它始于晚唐,兴于五代、北宋,极盛于南宋,而衰于元末,距今已有 1200多年的历史。宋时,永和陶瓷业兴旺,“辟坊巷街三市”,“七十二条花街”。锦绣铺有几千户,百尺层楼万余家。吉州窑是中国古代黑釉釉瓷生产中心之一。所产瓷器种类繁多,已发现的瓷形有120余种。按胎釉可分为青釉瓷、乳白釉瓷、绿釉瓷、黑釉瓷、彩绘瓷、雕塑瓷和玻璃器等,梅瓶也称"经瓶",最早出现于唐代,宋辽时期较为流行,并且出现了许多新品种。近代许之衡在《饮流斋说瓷》一书中详细地描述了梅瓶的形制、特征及名称由来:"梅瓶口细而颈短,肩极宽博,至胫稍狭,抵于足微丰,口径之小仅与梅之瘦骨相称,故名梅瓶。"关于梅瓶的用途,磁州窑白地黑花梅瓶器腹有“清沽美酒”与“醉乡酒海”的诗句。梅瓶既是酒器,又是一件令人爱不释手的观赏品


The exhibit is a cultural relic of the southern song dynasty. The below abdomen gradually collected, the circle foot, the fetus is exquisite. Jizhou kiln is one of the most well preserved ancient famous kiln sites in China. It began in the late tang dynasty and was in the southern song dynasty. It was in the southern song dynasty. It was more than 1200 years old. In the song dynasty, yong and tao porcelain flourished, "three cities of pifang lane street", "72 flower streets". There are thousands of brocade shops and more than 10,000 floors. Jizhou kiln is one of the center of Chinese ancient black glaze porcelain production. There are many kinds of porcelain, and more than 120 kinds of porcelain have been found. Can be divided by embryo glaze blue glaze porcelain, opal glaze porcelain, green glaze porcelain, and black glaze porcelain, porcelain, sculpture, coloured drawing or pattern porcelain and glass apparatus, etc., the plum bottle is also called "the bottle", first appeared in the tang dynasty, the popular song liao period, and saw the emergence of many new varieties. Permitted under the modern value in the book "drink flow zhai said porcelain", describes in detail the plum bottle shape, character and name of origin: "mei bottle are short and thin neck, shoulder is very broad, to the tibia is a bit narrow, on foot micro, diameter of only with small thin bone, so named mei bottle." For the purpose of the plum bottle, there are "fine wine" and "drunk wine sea" in the white plum bottle of magnetic state kiln. The plum bottle is both a wine and an unshakable ornamental


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