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时间:2017-06-22 16:36:00   作者:   来源:网络   阅读:2947   评论:3

孙小头双帆币   此藏品为河南 段先生所藏有

枚中华民国二十一年孙小头壹圆,符合当时的钱币特征,为钱币真品。在币面的设计方面,此枚钱币像是凝聚着千百名工艺技师的智慧源泉和美学独特视角,整体呈现出光亮的银色,正面镌刻着伟大的革命者孙中山先生的正面头像,上方环着“中华民国二十一年”八字,背面则精刻双桅帆船,左右分别显示着“壹圆”币值,币面整体造型和谐,图案设计精美,特别能吸引藏家的目光。其锈色自然,银光闪闪,通过光线的对比和折射,可以看出这枚钱币斑驳苍古的“包浆”,这便是自然形成的“时间印记”  不同的历史时期总要留下不同的历史印迹。产自于民国二十一年的孙中山双帆币,则成为当时那个特定历史时期市场上流通的主要币种之一。




In the 20th year of the republic of China, sun xiaogan, in line with the coin of the time, was a genuine coin. In the design of the BiMian, this coin like condensing the wisdom of hundreds of process technician source and unique aesthetic perspective, the whole present a shining silver, positive engraved a great revolutionary sun yat-sen's positive image, ring above the figure of eight "21 years of the republic of China", the fine carving on the back a ketch, left and right sides respectively according to the value of "one circle", BiMian overall modelling is harmonious, exquisite design, special to attract the attention of collectors. The rust is natural, silver, through the contrast of light and refraction, as you can see the coin mottled antiquity "bag oar", this is the natural formation of the "time stamp" different historical periods always leave different historical imprinting. One of the major currencies that circulated in the market at that particular time was sun yat-sen's two-sail coin, which was produced in the twenty-first year of the republic of China.

What is surprising is that the currency, which has been worn for hundreds of years, is still treasured by private collectors. There are many kinds of small COINS of sun xiaotou, of which, two sails are more valuable and have excellent value added space. This coin, which has been well preserved for years, is perfect and is a classic. According to relevant information, the two sails of sun yat-sen's portrait are made by the Shanghai central mint. Currently, these two sails tend to be worth only one and two. At that time, the KMT government in the domestic implementation of the policy of "legal tender", issued by the central bank, the bank of China and bank of communications, three major Banks to issue paper money is legal tender, silver into the state, all within a time limit for fiat money exchange, does not allow private silver dollar currency in circulation, so in the republic of China in the 21st, with sun yat-sen, head for design of silver is not circulating in the market. Because of its rarity, it is still popular among collectors in today's money market.

Judging by the record of trading on the market, the sun and sun market in the republic of China has been a hit in the twenty-year period, and over time, the "value" of the sun has become more and more precious. There are various indications that the investment of sun xiaogang in the 20th year of the republic of China is the most intelligent choice, and therefore the most suitable for the collection and investment of private Tibetan friends.






