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时间:2017-06-26 16:32:25   作者:13333993640   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:3868   评论:0
中华民国孙像开国纪念币  此藏品为欧先生收藏


中華民国孫のような建国纪念幣銀貨五星、正面中央は孫文サイド肖像、エッジの内に中国語を減らすに従属し「中華民国書体」よんしよ字、下の「開国記念貨幣減らす」ご字、ぐらい長枝花飾り。背面中央中国語隷書体は「壱円」や「嘉禾、エッジの英語中華民国」、「壱円」、左右分列五角の星形(後には、六角星)。直線ながら、歯重26 . 6グラム、品位96%-96.9%、通称「小頭」。その幣は、中華民国国幣として流通し、数量が多い。中華民国孫のような建国纪念幣銀貨、決して全ては民国元年鋳造。民国じゅうろく年、じゅうななじゅうしち年南京と天津造幣局が鋳造が、採用の全体は「中華民国建国纪念幣」の年代。中華民国孫のような建国纪念幣銀貨、鋳造メーカー、鋳造年代によって、彫刻師の英語のレベルが高くないり、ちょうど裏主な図案変わらないほか、花飾り詳細については、アルファベットが変異、特にアルファベットの間違いが多い。これが形成された同幣の多種版别。伝世より広いのは主に2種類:一つは版式五角の星形、1種は六角星。

The Republic of China Sun as founding commemoration silver coin Wuxing, front center for Sun Zhongshan side edge in the portrait, engrave on the Chinese script "Republic of China" 4 words, "juan founding coin" 5 words, about long branches. On the back of the central Chinese script "one circle" and the edge of Jiahe, English "Republic of China", "one yuan", with about five pointed star (later renamed the six star). Straight edge teeth, weighing 26.6 grams, color 96%-96.9%, commonly known as "small head."". The currency was issued as the national currency of the Republic of China, and has a wide circulation and large quantity. The Republic of China Sun as founding commemoration silver coin, are not in the first year of casting. During the 16 years and 17 years of the Republic of China, both the Nanjing and Tianjin Mint were built, but all of them were in the era of the founding of the Republic of china. The Republic of China Sun as founding commemoration silver coin, because manufacturers do not cast a cast, a different era, the sculptor English level is not high, in addition to being on the back of the main pattern has not changed, the decoration details, English letters have variation, especially English error more letters. This is the formation of a variety of types of the currency. There are mainly two kinds of articles handed down from ancient times: one is the five pointed star format, and the other is the six star layout.



