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时间:2017-06-29 09:42:18   作者: 道光通宝 047   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:9254   评论:0

道光通宝 此藏品为张先生收藏
道光通宝铸于清宣宗道光年间(1821-1850年)。钱径一般2.2-2.4厘米,重2.5-3.6克。钱文“道光通宝”四字以楷书书写.从上而下而右而左直读,钱背是记有宝局二十名的满文。道光通宝形制特点基本与嘉庆钱相同,所不同者只是新疆际克苏、库车因缺少黄铜而开始铸折五当十升值平钱,这是清代虚值大钱的滥觞。道光通宝只少数钱背有星月纹以及记地、记年、记值的汉字,但却不多见。道光通宝收藏价值是有的,道光通宝楷书折二背宝泉局 宣宗道光年间铸。形制同嘉庆钱,面文楷书,直读;背满文记局名:泉源直苏南昌武川浙福晋陕广桂云东黔,伊犁,阿克苏,库车,宝新。道光钱制作粗糙,大小不一,轻重悬殊,一般径2.2--2.4厘米,重2.5--3.6克,清廷由于入不敷出,新疆阿克苏,库车,宝新三局始铸虚值析五,当十钱,亦是清钱虚值钱之始。传世几无稀罕之品。钱币价格要根据钱币品种品相传世量和市场需求等来确定,价格不等。

Daoguang reign in the Qing Dynasty emperor casting (1821-1850). The money is usually 2.2-2.4 centimeters and weighs 2.5-3.6 grams. Qian Wen "Daoguang Tong Bao" four words in regular script writing right and left from the top down. While reading, money back is twenty on the name of the Bureau of the Manchu treasure. The basic characteristics of Jia Qingqian and Daoguang reign form the same, the difference is due to the lack of Kuche, Xinjiang Aksu and began to cast brass folded in five when the ten appreciation of flat money, this is the origin of the virtual value of money in the Qing dynasty. Only a few money back Daoguang reign lines and remember, remember and remember the value, but does not see more Chinese characters. There is light Tongbao collection value, two fold back light Tongbao script light-years between casting Zong Dao Xuan Baoquan bureau. The surface shape with Jia Qingqian, regular script, direct reading; back board: direct source of Manchu Su Nanchang Wuchuan Zhejiang Fujin Shaanxi Guanggui Yundong Guizhou, Yili, Akesu, Kuche, new. Light money making rough, size, severity of the poor, average diameter 2.2--2.4 cm, weight 2.5--3.6 grams, the Xinjiang Akesu, Kuche for example, three, new Bureau was cast on five virtual value, when the ten money, money is also the beginning of virtual. Handed down a few goods of no rarity. The price of a coin must be determined according to the variety of coins, the quantity and the market demand.

光通宝鋳于清宣宗道光年間(1821-1850年)。金径一般2.2-2.4センチ、重さ2.5-3.6グラム。「光钱文通宝」の4字を書く.楷書上から右左棒読みで、お金を覚え宝局20名の满文。光あり特徴と嘉庆通宝基本金と同じ、違う者は新疆際グラム蘇、クチャ不足で割引が鋳造真鍮五十切り上げ平お金の、清朝の虚値大金の濫觴。光だけ背が少数通宝金星紋や記に、記年、記値の漢字がが少ない。光通宝コレクションの価値はあって、光を折る通宝楷書二宝泉局 宣宗道光年間鋳造。同じお金があり嘉庆面文、楷書、棒読み;背中满文記局名:源直ソ南昌武川アイ福晋陜西広浙江桂云东貴州、イリ、アクス、クチャ、宝新。光金づくりは粗くて、大きさ、重さにかけ離れて、一般径2.2--2.4センチ、重さ2.5--3.6グラム、清木っ端で集めて材木で流すため、新疆アクス、クチャ、宝新3局始鋳虚値析五十銭、ときにも、清金金目の始まり虚。伝世は何も珍しい品ではない。貨幣の価格は貨幣品種によって伝世量と市場の需要と確定、価格不等。

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