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时间:2017-07-17 15:02:00   作者:乾隆通宝051   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:5392   评论:0
乾隆通宝  此藏品为胡先生所藏有      帝于公元1735年即位,在位的60年里施展其“文治武功”的治国策略,创造了封建社会里最后一个辉煌盛世,之后民间便盛传佩带“乾隆通宝”铜钱可驱灾辟邪,又因乾隆二字谐音“钱隆”而备受后世藏家所喜爱的钱币。乾隆通宝钱径约2.2-2.5厘米,厚0.1厘米,重约2.4-4.8克。钱面文字“乾隆通宝”以楷书书写,其字从上而下而右而左直读。钱背文字沿雍正满文钱式穿孔左边有"宝"字,穿孔右边铸有各局名。乾隆通宝连宝泉、宝源在内先后有29局开铸,多用黄铜与青铜,也引进国外洋铜浇制法。新疆地区新用方孔圆钱,开设伊犁、阿克苏、乌什、叶尔羌、喀什葛尔、库车等局,因用自产红铜鼓铸、故称为“新疆红钱”或“普尔钱”(“普尔”维语即钱的意思)。乾隆通宝只少数钱背文看见星号或汉字。乾隆通宝还有合面钱、吉语钱以及私铸劣质钱、鹅眼钱等,品类不下百种,存于世上的有雕母数种,至为珍贵。
Qianlong reign the collection of Mr. Hu in the possession of emperor ascended the throne in 1735, in the 60 years to display its "political and military achievements" the strategy of governing the country, created a brilliant time last feudal society, people began to wear after rumors of "Qianlong reign coins can be evil because of flooding disaster, Qianlong two homonym" Qian Long and much later collectors favorite coins. Qianlong reign money diameter of about 2.2-2.5 cm, 0.1 cm thick, weighing about 2.4-4.8 grams. Money letter "Qianlong reign to the word from the regular script writing, while the right and left reading. The money back with text "treasure" word on the left edge of Manchu Yong Zheng money, the Bureau has cast perforation on the right. Qianlong reign, Schroder, even Baoquan has 29 open cast, made of brass and bronze, but also the introduction of foreign copper casting method. Xinjiang new area with a square hole round money, opened in Yili, Akesu, Wushi, Ye Erqiang, Kashi Kashgar, Kuche Bureau, due to the use of self-produced copper casting, it is known as the "Xinjiang red money" or "poor money" ("s" money Uighur "). Qianlong reign only a few money Beiwen see an asterisk or Chinese characters. There is money, a face Qianlong reign auspicious money and private money, cast inferior goose eyes money, category less than a hundred, in the world there are a number of Diaomu is precious.
乾隆通宝このコレクションを胡さんが所有帝は纪元1735年に即位して、在位のろくじゅう年に「文治武功発揮」の国を治める策略を封建社会の中で最後の輝かしい盛世、その後民間噂佩用「乾隆通宝」銅銭が駆災闢邪、乾隆二文字でも「钱隆」され、お気に入りの貨幣後世コレクター。乾隆通宝金径約2.2-2.5センチ、厚さ0 . 1センチ、重さ約2.4-4.8グラム。銭そば文字「乾隆通宝」は楷書書く字で、その上から右に左棒読み。お金に沿って背文字雍正满文金式パンチの左に「宝」の字の、穿孔右鋳に各局名。乾隆通宝宝泉さえ、宝源を含め相前後して29局開鋳造、多く使う真鍮と靑銅、海外の洋銅を制法。新疆地区の新しい方孔圆金で開設イリ、アクス、ウシュトゥルファン、叶尔羌、カシュガル葛尔、クチャなど局で自給赤銅鼓铸、だから「新疆赤金」や「S&Pの金」(「&プアーズ」维语すなわち金の意味)。乾隆通宝少数钱背文アスタリスクあるいは漢字だけを見て。乾隆通宝また合面銭、吉语金や私鋳粗悪なお金、ガチョウ目お金など、種類は百種、貯金は世のが雕母数種類の、非常に貴重な。



