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时间:2018-03-05 14:50:00   作者:中国梦玉玺   来源:www.rongyi.org   阅读:103401   评论:0
此藏品为李先生所收藏    中国梦玉玺一枚     传统高浮雕工艺手工雕琢玺钮,玺基经人工千次打磨,如碧如镜。印文:“圆梦中国印”五字,由伟人毛泽东生前名篇名录真迹中甄选后还原而成,珍贵不凡。玺基玉璧:前后左右分别雕刻有“中国梦”吉祥徽标、天安门、万里长城及毛主席笔书豪情诗句,深情诠释了“中国梦”的缘起、发展和内涵,给人们以奋进的激情和力量。邀请国家级玉雕大师仵海洲担纲总设计,中国玉文化博物馆监制出品。凡事大师设计的藏品必涨已经成为收藏界的铁律。2008年,同样是国家玉器大师之作的一款“奥运徽宝”玉玺,已在5年内疯涨50倍。仵海洲大师作为国家级玉雕大师,又是中华玉文化博物馆馆长、中华百位珠宝界有影响力人物之一、国家级非物质文化遗产代表性传承人、联合国教科文组织命名的“世界优秀专家”,其出品的重大题材玉玺将来狂涨100倍都有可能。首次将“中国梦”主题玉印与纯金材质完整版中国地图结合,组成完整统一的中华民族国之重器。
The traditional high relief craft handcrafted the seal knob, the seal is polished by thousands of times, such as the mirror.Seal: "dream Chinese seal" five words, made by the great man MAO zedong in the original list of the genuine article after the selection to restore, precious and extraordinary.Respectively to seal base jade: front, back, left, and engraved with the "China dream" auspicious logo, tiananmen square, the Great Wall and chairman MAO's pen book pride verse, deep interpretation of the origin and development of the "Chinese dream" and the connotation, with aggressive passion and power to the people.Invite the national jade carving master to make the total design of the Chinese jade culture museum.The collection of master designs has become the iron law of collecting.In 2008, the jade seal of the Olympic emblem, also a masterpiece of national jade, has soared 50 times in five years.Wu PI as national jade carving master, master is curator of the museum of Chinese jade culture, the Chinese one hundred jewelry industry one of the influential characters, state-level intangible cultural heritage representative inheritance, the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization named the "world outstanding experts", the production of a major theme of decree 100 times saturday-night specials are likely in the future.It is the first time to combine the theme of "Chinese dream" with the Chinese map of pure gold to form a complete and unified Chinese nation.



