资讯 > 瓷器资讯


2018-04-17    作者:金涌文化    阅读:24371

该藏品为大明建文年制斗笠碗,釉色古雅、沉稳,釉面均匀、滋润,釉质坚致、细腻。柔和文静,有玉之美感。诚如古人形容的:唯恐被风吹走,也怕让太阳烤化。 此碗集釉、薄胎于一身,堪称双绝。底部为大明建文年制,薄胎且能制成如此大器,更是难能可贵,古代工匠的技艺令人赞叹。此大明建文年制斗笠碗是历史的实物,更是历史的见证,属珍贵文物。
The collection is Jianwen year Daming bowl hats, color quaint, steady, uniform, moist glaze, enamel, delicate kennedy. Gentle and quiet, the beauty of jade. Just like what the ancients described: for fear of being blown away by the wind, or for the sun to bake. This bowl of glaze, thin tire in one, can be known as a double. At the bottom, Daming built the system of writing year, and the thin tyre can be made into such a large device. This year is the Daming Jianwen hats bowl history of the real, is the witness of history, is the precious cultural relics.


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