钱币 > 近代钱币


2018-05-11    作者:杜军龙    阅读:30623

此藏品为大清铜币户部造当制钱十文大清铜币,学名清代机制铜圆,钱面中央有“大清铜币”四个汉字,内嵌一小字代表地名,上端是满文“大清铜币”字样,两侧为年份。边缘中间分别“户部”二汉字,下端为“当制钱十文”。钱背中央为蟠龙,上端是“光绪(或宣统)年造”,下端英文“Tai-Ching Ti-Kuo Coper Coin”字样(大清帝国铜币)。各地铸造比较统一。因其版面设计优雅,雕刻精良,且存世量极为稀少,大清铜币光绪年户部造当十被誉为中国近代制币中的十大名誉品之一.  
目前大清铜币投资市场火热,行情大涨,极为罕见、有巨大的投资价值、及收藏价值、如需收藏购买、此藏品请与我联系、我们将竭诚为您服务。联系电话  :13995046265
This collection of coins made valuable when ten households in the Qing Dynasty Qing Dynasty copper coins scientific name mechanism "Qing Dynasty coins" four central Chinese characters embedded with a small print money on behalf of the names at the top of Manchu "in the coin" on both sides of the year. The middle edge ministry two Chinese characters respectively at the lower end of "when cash ten paper". The money back to the top is the "central Beaulieu Guangxu (or Xuantong years)" "Tai-Ching Ti-Kuo Coper Coin is English" (Qing Empire coins). Casting uniform in different places. Because of its layout design elegant sophisticated and carving are extremely rare the Qing Guangxu years when ten households made coins is regarded as one of the ten China Mint in modern product reputation.
  At present the Qing copper investment market hot prices rose extremely rare has great investment value and collection value such as the collection of necessary collection purchase please contact with our customer service we will provide the best service for you.   13995046265
     このコレクションを清銅貨戸部を金目10文が、清銅貨、学名清代メカニズム銅貨、銭そばの中央に「大清銅貨”の4つの漢字、組み込み一字代表地名、上端は满文「大清銅貨」と書かれ、両側は年。エッジの中間はそれぞれ「戸部」二漢字下端を「穴あき銭10文」。お金を蟠龙背面中央、上端は「光緒(宣統)年造」、「Tai-Ching下端英文Ti-Kuo Coper Coin」と書かれ(清帝国銅貨)。各地で鋳造が比較的統一されて。その面でエレガントなデザイン、彫刻精良で、しかも存世量が極めて少ない、清光緒戸部造が十年銅貨と呼ばれた中国近代制币中の十大名誉品である。
来源:www.rongyi.org    评论:0
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