钱币 > 近代钱币


2018-05-28    作者:杜军龙    阅读:44645

 联系电话:13995046265  中华民国开国纪念币双旗币中华民国开国纪念币双旗币    民国成立后,铜元仍继续大量流通使用。1914年,铜元正式改称“铜币”,民国发行的铜币与清最大的区别是龙纹被换成了由稻穗组成的嘉禾纹。各省铸造的铜元大多为两面叉的国旗图案,并有“中华民国开国纪念币”字样。
After the establishment of the republic of China tongyuan continued to circulate in large quantities. In 1914 the copper yuan was officially renamed "copper coin". The biggest difference between the copper coin issued in the republic of China and qing dynasty was that the dragon grain was replaced with a grain of rice. Most of the copper COINS minted in the provinces are the flag designs of the two sides and the words "the founding of the republic of China".
The pieces of the republic of China ten double flag COINS collection is experienced endless years but the lines are still clear the wrapped slurry also witnessed its historical accumulation has very obvious historical transitional characteristic has the ineffable process of collection value if you want to collect purchase please contact customer service we will serve you wholeheartedly.
Tibetan friend: wang huigren's address: helan county yinchuan city ningxia

この個中華民国十文币双旗、コレクション経験したものの、依然として無窮歳月に対して、かばんの上にものりを目撃し、その歴史の蓄积が非常に目立った特徴は、歴史过渡性所蔵価値は言いようのない、必要なら、藏購入会社と连络してください、私はコールサービスを导入。如成交藏品本人在加送保真到代大清铜币一枚 电话 13995046265
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