交易 > 钱币交易


2018-06-25    作者:ry51855    阅读:22145




此币正面珠圈内为“光绪元宝”四字,外环珠圈,上缘满文“光绪元宝”,下缘“当制钱十文”,两侧边缘分列“清江”两字,背面中央为飞龙图及珠圈,上缘英文纪地“TSING-KIANG”,下缘英文纪值“TEN CASH”。钱币正面鲜然可见满汉文化的融合,而钱背却明确标示了西方文化的介入。铸工精美,品相不俗,包浆浑厚,独具特色,有着历史熏陶,是价值很高的革命文物,有深远的历史纪念意义具有极高的历史价值和收藏价值。

Qingjiang yuanguangxu Yuanbao was cast and issued by the Qingjiang copper coin Bureau. It is the only copper coin in the bronze circle of the Qing Dynasty that is not the province name. From thirty to thirty-two years Guangxu governor set up a money Bureau in Qingjiang Pu Huaian Prefecture Jiangsu Province called Qingjiang copper coin Bureau. Guangxu thirty-two years in July Qingjiang copper yuan Bureau was abolished and stopped casting incorporated into the Jiangnan mint which lasted for 3 years it can be described as very short. Because of its very short casting time the Qingjiang made Guangxu treasure remains so rare that it is of great market value.

The coin front bead circle is "Guangxu Yuanbao" four words outer ring bead circle the upper edge Manchu "Guangxu Yuanbao" the lower edge "when making money ten" the two sides edge divided "Qingjiang" two words the back center is the flying dragon map and bead circle the upper margin English period "TSING-KIANG" the lower edge English discipline value "TEN CASH". The fusion of Manchu culture can be seen on the front side of the coin while Qian Bei clearly indicates the involvement of western culture. The mold is exquisite the product is not vulgar the pulp is thick it is unique has the historical edification is the revolutionary cultural relic with high value has the profound historical commemorative significance has the extremely high historical value and the collection value.


この円の珠圏内は「光緒元宝」の四文字で、外は珠圏に囲まれ、上縁が満文の「光緒元宝」、下縁「製銭十文」、両側の縁は「清江」という文字を分け、裏中央は飛竜図や珠圏、上には英語紀地「TSING - KANG」、下縁英語紀値「チームCASH」。金貨は正漢文化の融合を正面から見て、お金の背は西洋の文化の介入を明らかにした。鋳造工は精巧で、品相も俗っぽくなくて、包みがとても厚い、独自の特色を持っていて、歴史の薫陶を持っていて、価値の高い革命的文物であり、深い歴史の記念の意味があって、きわめて高い歴史的価値とコレクションの価値を持っています。

来源:www.rongyi.org    评论:0
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