交易 > 钱币交易


2018-06-29    作者:ry51855    阅读:36229



"Yuan Datou" is known as the treasure of silver in the currency collection circle. It is the most widely spread and most influential silver variety of China's nearly 1000 modern silver coins. It is also an important role in the change of the currency system in modern China. On the seigniorage the politicians have the vision of the country the good luck the folk collection which implies the auspicious treasure of "home and all things" so it has a high value of collection and research.

Yuan Datou is one of the main circulation currencies in the Republic of China and the "Yuan Datou" pattern of the 3 year edition of the Republic of China. The middle is Yuan Shikai's face on the left side and the top is "three years of the Republic of China"; the back pattern is all two crossed rice spikes and the center is "one round". It has a high historical and cultural value meaning "democracy" The thought of republicanism constitutionalism and constitutional monarchy is expected.



来源:www.rongyi.org    评论:0
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