交易 > 钱币交易


2018-12-10    作者:煜藏文化    阅读:1166




这枚宝昌局“咸丰重宝”当五十,面文“咸丰重宝”为楷书,背穿上“当”,穿下“當五十”楷书,穿孔左右满文“ 宝昌 ”两字。铸体精整,铸相方正圆矩,坦平地章,字廓深竣挺拔,穿轮干净,铸体较为厚重。钱文楷书书体,书意端庄隽美,笔划力道十足,笔锋鲜明犀利,满文宝泉书正笔端。如有需要请与我们联系!

During the period of Xianfeng in Qing Dynasty the peasant uprising in Taiping Heavenly Kingdom developed rapidly which caused serious financial difficulties to the Qing government. Eventually the Qing government was forced to issue banknotes and recast large amounts of money to make up for the financial deficit since Xianfeng three years ago. When the value of 50 or less is called "Xianfeng Chongbao" higher than when the value of 50 is called "Xianfeng Chongbao" in order to distinguish it from "Xianfeng Tongbao" of small ordinary money. Xianfeng Chongbao is a treasure of Xianfeng Big Money. Because Xianfeng Chongbao has not passed down much and survives very scarcely the coin is very precious.

This Baochang Bureau "Xianfeng Chongbao" should be fifty the face text "Xianfeng Chongbao" as regular script wear "Dang" on the back wear "Dang 50" regular script perforate about the word "Baochang" in Manchu. The casting body is neat the casting phase is square and round flat the outline is deep and straight the wheel is clean and the casting body is thicker and heavier. Qian Wen's regular script style is elegant and meaningful with strong strokes and sharp edges and the main end of Baoquan Manchu script. If you need please contact us!



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