收购 > 钱币收购


2017-12-30    作者:道光通宝    阅读:41233

道光通宝  此藏品为石先生所收藏
道光通宝是中国古代钱币之一,铸于清宣宗道光年间。钱文“道光通宝”四字以楷书书写.从上而下而右而左直读,钱背是记有宝局二十名的满文。道光通宝形制特点基本与嘉庆钱相同,所不同者只是新疆际克苏、库车因缺少黄铜而开始铸折五当十升值平钱,这是清代虚值大钱的滥觞。道光通宝只少数钱背有星月纹以及记地、记年、记值的汉字,但却不多见。   此枚钱币为道光通宝,钱币字迹清晰规整,品相完好,包浆老旧,属极美品,。目前道光通宝投资市场火热,行情大涨,藏品为不可多得的收藏重器,极为罕见,有巨大的投资价值及收藏价值,如需收藏购买 

Daoguang tongbao was one of the ancient COINS of ancient China, and was cast in the reign of emperor xuan of qing dynasty. Qian wen "daoguang tong bao" four characters written in regular script. Read from the top down and right from the left, and the money back is filled with the twenty names of the treasure bureau. Basic is the same as money jiaqing daoguang TongBao shape characteristics, the difference is just the xinjiang international Sue, kuqa began to cast off for lack of brass five when ten appreciation of money, this is the virtual value of money in the qing dynasty. Daoguang tongbao only a few of the Chinese characters that have the moon pattern and the memory of the land, the year and the value, but not much. This coin is the daoguang tongbao, the coin writing is clear and neat, the products are in good condition, the package is old, is extremely beautiful,. At present, daoguang tongbao investment market is hot, and the market is soaring. The collection is a rare collector, which is extremely rare, and has great investment value and collection value, such as collection and purchase



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