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2018-03-17    作者:清明上河图邮票    阅读:25457

清明上河图邮票  此藏品为重庆 崔女士所收藏
《清明上河图》国宝邮票长卷则是自清代1878年始发行迄今,最为精美的一套古代名画《清明上河图》特种邮票。同时,这也是中国邮票史乃至世界邮票史上最大的邮票珍藏,清明上河图”国宝邮票大长卷,具有传承价值,为永恒铭记中华国宝的无穷魅力,大力弘扬民族文化,有特殊的意义。按故宫博物院馆藏真迹等比例制作发行的“清明上河图”国宝丝绢大邮票。 具有很高的收藏价值!

The "qingming festival" national treasure stamp scroll is the most exquisite set of ancient famous paintings, "the river map of qingming festival", which has been published since the qing dynasty in 1878. At the same time, it is also the Chinese YouPiaoShi YouPiaoShi and even the world's largest collection, qingming scroll "national treasure stamps big long, with heritage value, to forever remember the endless charm of the Chinese national treasure, vigorously carry forward the national culture, has a special significance. According to the proportion of the museum collection, the "qingming shang river map" national treasure silk stamps. Has a very high collection value!


来源:www.rongyi.org    评论:0
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