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2018-04-19    作者:钱慧安人物作品    阅读:17603

此藏品为钱慧安人物画作品,慧安书是道光十三年(1833)生,宣统三年辛亥(1911年)卒,享年七十八岁。宝山高桥镇花园浜村(今上海浦东)人。字吉生,号清溪樵子、退一老人,又号双管楼主。少时从民间画师学写真,早岁摹仇英、唐寅、陈洪绶,继学费丹旭、改琦、上官周等,更心追手摹《晚笑堂画传》,融会诸家之法。 钱慧安为“豫园书画善会”首任会长,海派代表性画家之一。工人物、仕女,细笔干墨,笔意遒劲,神态闲雅,其调介于老莲、十洲之间。花卉山水亦善。晚岁用笔益趋劲峭。从学者甚众,有沈心海、曹华、徐小仓、曹钟秀、石钟与、谢闲鸥等,遂有“钱派”之目。
This collection is a work of Qian Huian's figure painting. Hui an Shu is a thirteen year (1833) student of Daoguang, and he died at the age of three in 1911. He died at the age of seventy-eight. Baoshan Gaoqiao Town Garden Village (now Pudong, Shanghai) people. The word Ji Sheng, a son, Qiao Qing, the elderly, and double the landlord. When he was young, he learned a portrait from a folk painter. He was an early copy of Qiu Ying, Tang Yin and Chen Hongshou. After studying Fei Danxu, Qi Qi and Shangguan Zhou, he was more interested in copying "the late laugh hall" and the method of integrating all the families. Qian Huian is the first president of the Yu Garden painting and Calligraphy Association and one of the representative artists of Shanghai style. Industry figures, ladies, fine pen ink dry, with elegant, elegant demeanor, the adjustment between old lotus, all. Flowers and landscapes are also good. His pen increasingly Jinqiao. Many scholars, such as Shen Xinhai, Cao Hua, Xu Xiaocang, Cao Zhongxiu, Shi Zhong, Xie Hsiu and so on, have "money pie".
At present, the investment market of calligraphy and painting works is hot, the market is soaring, it is extremely rare, there are huge value of investment, and collection value, such as collection and purchase, this collection please contact with our customer service, we will serve you wholeheartedly.
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