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2018-12-10    作者:雅轩_a01    阅读:1681

奔马图徐悲鸿擅长以马喻人、托物抒怀,以此来表达自己的爱国热情。徐悲鸿笔下的马是"一洗万古凡马空",独有一种精神抖擞、豪气勃发的意态。 1933年起,先后在法国、比利时、意大利、英国、德国、苏联等地区举办中国美术展览和个人画展。为了纪念他,我国政府在北京建立了“徐悲鸿纪念馆”,周总理亲自题额;尔后在他的家乡宜兴又新建了“宜兴徐悲鸿纪念馆”和“悲鸿故居”,长期展览他的作品,供中外人士瞻仰、观赏。在此幅画中,徐悲鸿运用饱酣奔放的墨色勾勒头、颈、胸、腿等大转折部位,并以干笔扫出鬃尾,使浓淡干湿的变化浑然天成。马腿的直线细劲有力,有如钢刀,力透纸背,而腹部、臀部及鬃尾的弧线很有弹性,富于动感。整体上看,画面前大后小,透视感较强,前伸的双腿和马头有很强的冲击力,似乎要冲破画面。收藏价值极大。


    Xu Beihong is good at expressing his patriotic passion by using horses to describe people and things. The horse in Xu Beihong's works is "a wash of the horses all the time". It has a unique spirit and vigorous mood. Since 1933 Chinese art exhibitions and individual paintings exhibitions have been held in France Belgium Italy Britain Germany and the Soviet Union. In order to commemorate him the Chinese government established the "Xu Beihong Memorial Hall" in Beijing and Premier Zhou personally inscribed the amount. Later in Yixing his hometown a new "Yixing Xu Beihong Memorial Hall" and "Beihong Former Residence" were built to exhibit his works for long-term viewing and admiration by Chinese and foreign people. In this painting Xu Beihong uses vigorous and unrestrained ink to delineate the turning points of head neck chest and leg and sweeps out the mane tail with a dry brush to make the change of thick and light dry and wet naturally. The straight line of the horse's legs is strong and slender like a steel knife which penetrates the back of the paper while the arcs of the abdomen buttocks and mane tail are flexible and dynamic. On the whole the front and back of the picture are big and small and the perspective is strong. The forward legs and horse heads have a strong impact which seems to break through the picture. Collection is of great value.



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